Chapter 2

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Caroline/Your P.O.V

So last night I lost my virginity to my best friend, Chandler Riggs, yeah I know, that escalated quickly. I rolled over and looked at Chandler, he was cuddled up to his blankets and his mouth was slightly parted he looked perfect, I loved my Bestfriend. Chandler rolled over wiped his face and sat up. "Shit" he mumbled just loud enough for me to hear and then let out a raspy groan running his fingers through his long fluffy hair. Chandler looked at me, "Caroline, I'm so sorry, you know I-" he started. "No, I get it Chandler it was a one time thing." I finished the sentence that broke my heart, for him. The day was surprisingly normal so far, me and Chandler hung out and talked about school work, then, he went to Hana's. Yeah it hurt, but I'd get over it. I just stayed in my room and practiced my special Fx makeup pieces.

Chandlers P.O.V

I hated what me and Caroline did, I felt so bad, I just took it out on her. I was sitting on Hana's bed, I looked gloomy and depressed, I knew she noticed. "What's wrong with you Riggs?". My heart broke, "Caroline called me that" I said with a broken voice. "Are you fucking kidding me Chandler?!" Hana looked at me and slammed her phone down on the desk. "You don't understand Hana, okay?!" I yelled my eyes forming tears or anger "What don't I understand? Huh? I'm your girlfriend Chandler!", I cringed at her words and knew I had to tell her, "We had sex! Okay? Last night I got mad and took it on her, I lost my virginity to her, okay?!", she looked at me like she was gonna fucking kill me. Hana reached over and started hitting me and crying and shouting how she hated me, "Hana! Calm down!". She pushed me out of her room. "Don't come back, I can't stand you!".
I went home and walked in, I went in to Caroline's room. "She's so fucking over reactive, at least I told her?. Right, like I could of totally ignored that we had sex last night!" Caroline grabbed my face and put our foreheads together I placed my hands over hers and rubbed them with my thumbs as she petted the sides of my head, she instantly calmed me but it made me wanna break down. "Calm down Riggs, it'll be okay, it always is". I breathed and mumbled profanities about Hana and how it was her fault me and Caroline had sex and that she had no right to be angry with me. I hated her.

Caroline's/Your P.O.V

"Calm down Riggs, it'll be okay, it always is" I said as I petted the side of his heads and he mumbled things about Hana and me and him having sex. I knew what I had to do, I grabbed his hands and places his arms around me and brought our lips together. Sparks didn't fly, or any of that lovey dovey stuff, the fake stuff in books and movies, but it was special, we moved in sync like we were meant for each other we knew what the other was gonna do before they did it. His hands ran over my back and pulled me closer to him. We pulled away at the same time and he took my face in his hands and we looked in each other's eyes, "Take it out on me". He looked at me and didn't hesitate and threw me into the bed and unbuckled his pants. And we recreated last night all over again.

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