Chapter 5

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Chandlers P.O.V

I pulled away from Caroline on the kitchen counter slipping my boxers and plaid pajama pants back on and leaving my t-shirt on the stool, "Well" I spoke as I stroked my hand through my sweaty and messy hair. Caroline was laying on the counter with just her bra and underwear, she sat up and slammed her fist on the counter and tugged on her hair. I walked up to her grabbing her hands and pulling them from her hair and held them to each side of her. "What's wrong? What's wrong now?" I raised my voice a little to much, not helping the situation.

"We can't keep doing this, you have to promise you won't leave again, you won't leave when she calls, or comes to you or-" I cut her off quickly, "I'm not leaving Caroline." I kissed her putting my hand on her cheek, then pulling away a little looking in her eyes, "Cross my Heart" I said drawing a tiny 'X' over my heart.

Caroline's/Your P.O.V

I smiled up at Chandler and hugged him and wrapped my legs around his waste, he picked me up, and we walked to his room and he dropped me onto his bed and walked over to his computer, it always fascinated me on how he built his own computer, didn't even take him very long. I sat on Chandler's bed going back and forth between my DS and my phone, mean while Chandler was arguing and laughing with either Sam or Gray, who knows, over his video game on the computer, I looked at him and sat up.

"Chandler!" I threw myself across the room sitting in Chandler's lap and exiting out of his game quickly, "Hey! What the hell is this?!" he screamed at me, I shut his recording system off and sighed and looked at him, "Are you retarded?" I looked at him like he was crazy. "Whaa" Chandler looked at me highly confused, "You were filming and I'm in the background on your bed in my underwear and bra.

"I swear I did not notice that!" Chandler was laughing at this point, it wasn't funny. I turned myself to his computer why Chandler was Laughing his ass off and deleted the video.

Chandlers P.O.V

Caroline was angry with me and was yelling about how I was too careless and if that video got out then it would be horrible for image and blah blah blah. I set my arms on her shoulder and looked at her as she crossed her arms at me.

"Are you listening to me? Chandler?".

"Your southern accent comes out so thick when your angry" I smirked a bit, I felt the cocky feeling of it on my face. "Shut up!" Caroline laughed and yelled as she pushed me on the shoulder a bit. "Shut it Riggs" she smiled at me. Before I could even say anything.

Caroline's/Your P.O.V

Later that day I was sitting on the couch playing on Chandler's phone and watching season 4 of The Walking Dead to be exact. Chandler was across the room in a bean bag chair, his phone started ringing and getting messages, Hana.

I stared at the phone wanting so badly to pickup the phone and bless that child out, but I didn't. "Chandler." I threw his phone at him and he caught it and looked at it, he looked at me and sighed. "Should I pick up?" he looked at me for permission, "Only if you keep your promise" I replied drawing a 'X' over my heart with a stern look. He picked up.

Chandlers P.O.V

"Yellow?" I answered into the phone, immediately I heard a lullaby of 'I love you and I miss you and I'm sorry' by Hana, yeah, I cared for her but I made a promise and me and Caroline didn't fight, usually, it's been a rough year, "I can't Hana, I'm sorry", and Hana cussed me our for that one screaming into the phone, "I'm sorry? Okay? I love her, I L-O-V-E Caroline, can't you just accept we fight way to much, I'm not gonna keep going out with you if I'm not happy I don't care how much the fans ship us, or how much you beg or how much my mom and dad like you, I wanna be happy!".

I hung up the phone and looked at Caroline and smiled. " Good job Riggs, you actually are not as much as a softy as I thought you were" she clapped her hands slowly as she spoke, "Only for you." I crept out of the chair and sat next to her.

Later that night we moved to Caroline's room, "View on your haters?" I looked at her as she was throwing a bouncy ball in the air and then catching it perfectly each time, "I think, that they're lost, maybe, confused a bit?" She stopped catching the ball and turned to me, "Thoughts on your haters?" I thought for a moment, "Well, I think, we should save the haters for later, and by later I mean forget them." I smiled at her, "Your turn".

Caroline made a thinking face, to cute to bare "Do you miss Hana?" I sighed, "I still care about her, but, you shouldn't miss people who don't miss you, right?" Caroline tapped my nose "Right, now, your turn".

"Okay, who do you look up to? Who is your inspiration? Who flames that fire of yours?" She laughed a bit just lightly and looked at me "You can't use someone else's fire. You can only use your own. And, in order to do that, you first have to be willing to believe you have it".

She was smart, always used big words I never understood and said these huge tirades about things know one would think about, "Your turn" she laughed and looked at me tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, " Kiss me if I'm wrong, but, dinosaurs still exist right?" I laughed and leaned in to her face "I am afraid you are incorrect" I leaned in and kissed her, it wasn't quick or long but it was right, when we pulled away and she looked at me with her Hazel eyes and the moonlight striking her face and brown hair at just the right angle.

"Your turn" she whispered at me with a cheesy grin, I didn't ask another question, I just pressed my lips against hers.

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