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Third Person Omniscient Point Of View


It was 7am when she woke up.

No, she was not in the music room anymore for she woke up at around midnight earlier and walked home.

Today was a Friday.

The last weekday of April.

Summer's coming pretty fast and she doesn't know what to do with the scorching hot weather once it reaches Miami.

As much as she didn't want to leave the comfort of her own home, she had to. Her parents would've been very proud at her astounding remarks.

No, they're not dead. They just.... Disappeared.

Ally sighed as she thought of her parents. She misses them, so much. All she ever hoped was for them to be safe and happy.

They left for a business trip, yet they never returned. They were supposed to, but just a few months ago, Ally's parents called her up saying how they're forced to stay in Korea as they can't leave the country due to a dictator who was soon to be the next Adolf Hitler.

They had so many great times together and Ally tried to remember every single one of those memorable moments.

"Daddy, push higher!" 5-year old Ally squealed as they were in the playground by the swings.

"Oops. I think I dropped the M&M in the toaster, Mommy." 6 1/2-year old Ally giggled as her mom just tickled her.

"Happy Birthday to you." Her parents sang for 8-year old little Ally as she hugged the gigantic teddy bear her parents got her.

"C'mon Ally, you don't want to be late for your last day of elementary." Mrs. Dawson called out on the 12-year old soon to be teenager daughter of hers.

"Mom! Dad! It's Christmaaaassss!!!" 14-year old Ally cheered, feeling like she was 6 again.

"Daddy, you will ALWAYS be the only guy that I'll love." 15-year old Ally promised her weary and tired father who seemed a little stressed at the sight of Ally and her lab partner.

"Listen Ally. Your dad and I are going away for a business trip for a while. You're 16. I think you can take care of yourself for a week." Ally's mother assured and told Ally.


Ally sighed and decided to get ready for her usual morning routine after changing in clothes that covered her fully and eating whatever she could find in the refrigerator.

Walk to school.

Try not to be noticed.

Pass by Uncle Jeff's vintage store.

Try not to be noticed.

Buy a drink from Starbucks.

Try not to be noticed.

Her routine always came out like a pattern. It was like she didn't want anyone to see her, and she was always successful. It's not like anyone really cared.

But did she know that maybe, just maybe, it could change some day?

It's bound to happen one day.

It crossed her mind once, but she just shrugged it off.

Running away from her fears..... Typical Ally.

She tried her best to slyly, but quickly run to her school so that she would not be late and come in the classroom before anyone else does.

Thankfully, she arrived before any of her classmates did....

But something seemed off.

She felt like she was being watched. She started to feel vulnerable and more cautious of her surroundings until she finally saw that it was just her teacher.

Her teacher greeted her with a smile, and she nodded.

Even her teachers knew about her.

They know about Ally being a closed person. A few teachers attempted to help her, but it was no use. They gave up on the second day of helping her.

They described Ally as hopeless and in need of help for those teachers who sugar coated it. They think that she's depressed, but she never showed any other sign. She just stayed quiet and eventually, it was off the topic of these teachers.


After waiting for about 10 minutes more, the students started to enter and fill up the classroom. Ally noticed some girls squealing and some guys rolling their eyes.

Of course being the curious person she is, she wanted to find out.

But no one would tell her. She seemed unapproachable to many.

In times like these, Ally eavesdrops at the conversations of loud mouth Chelsea and her clique near her table.

You could tell that Ally was intrigued by this issue because it really caught her attention. As she tried her best efforts to listen to the conversation, she was disappointed to just hear the, talk about make-up.

She was about to let it go when she heard the reason why everyone is freaking out right now. She could barely hear what Chelsea and her group are saying due to the loud and noisy classroom, but she was able to make out 2 words out of what everyone was saying, including Chelsea and her group.

"Austin Moon."


Heyo! I hope that this story is okay so far🌸. I'm not updating much here since I'm still unsure of the audience. We'll see in the future. Ily all! Xx💕


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