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Third Person Limited Omniscient Point Of View

//not edited

The rest of the week came by pretty quickly. Ever since that day, Ally has been trying her best to not communicate with anyone, including Trish.

Today was finally a Saturday. You'd think that people would be outside, strolling around, going to the mall or attending parties, getting wasted.

But just as always, Ally was in another world.

She was in the location where imagination and creativity is most thirsted for. She was in that one place where she could be herself and look for more doors of wonders to explore at, at every single corner.

Again, she was in the library.

As if on instinct, she sneakily walked in a fast paced manner to Aisle 26.

She needed to escape this horrid world again. She needed the pain-killer of her past to overtake her head.

She needed to read, and perhaps, let it take her to her land of imagination.

Upon reaching her destination, she noticed the same bleached blonde sitting by the wooden table, tapping his knuckles down onto the hard wood.

And just when she thought that she could avoid him the whole day, week and year perhaps, there he sat, getting lost into a tale, oblivious of his surroundings.

For a moment, she decided to observe his actions again, for his previous ones-believe it or not- fascinated her.

The way he scrunched his eyebrows whenever something unexpected goes on, and how he flashes his crooked, yet perfect smile, whenever a miracle, perhaps happens amongst the characters.

This time, he was reading Maureen Daly's novel, 'Seventeenth Summer'.

Ally closed her eyes, remembering the memories she had experienced through that book. The sort of 'pain-killer' book that she usually read before. She softly laughed at herself, thinking of how amateur she was back then.

Unfortunately, Austin heard her soft, adorable laugh and shot his eyes up, tearing his eyes from the page of the novel and staring at Ally with a warm, genuine smile plastered on his face, breaking all concentration and seriousness his face once held two minutes ago.

He smirked, as if expecting another 'friendly debate' coming up, while Ally shook her head, signaling him to stop, sat by the seat right in front of him and took out her kindle, deciding to read that book as well.

Austin then smiled and went back to where he left at, at the semi-cliché novel.

And they just both stayed in that position for an entire hour-silent and intrigued. It may have seemed like there was an awkward tension that brewed amongst them, but surprisingly, there wasn't.

But how could it be possible?

How could it be feasible to see two well-capable of speaking humans not commute with one another? Isn't that a human need?

Of course it is, and they did speak, not in English, but a language far more powerful and understandable than that.

They spoke through their minds.

No, Austin and Ally couldn't read minds, nor did they have any super-power sixth sense whatsoever, but the feelings and emotions that they both not exactly shared and poured together, but with the book, was enough.


"Why-how-what-what kind of ending was that?" Austin finally broke the comfortable silence that once filled the room.

"It may not be the best ending, but I like it. You get a grasp of reality, you know? Like although the ending of a love story may not have the best turn-out for a person, he/she would always have the memories with that significant soul of theirs, eternally." Ally freely answered, without the need of thinking hard, for she was satisfied with her true opinion towards clichés.

"What is it with you and reality? So what if a love story ends in the most magical and unreal way? That's the purpose of books. They're written to expand your creativity and imagination as well. Not everything you read contains reality-checks of how life really is. Sometimes, you just have to escape." Austin retorted.

Ally snorted.

"I do escape. I read romantic clichés to understand how pain can impact a person in love, but as usual, the ending will turn out great and predictable- so I only read them to enjoy the story plot. I'd like to see someone suffer sometimes too because let's face it; not everyone has a happy ending. I bet maybe only 2% of the whole human population will get to experience a problem-free life. Heck, it's none of them."

"Someday, I'd like to break that wall of yours and see why you're really like that." Austin spoke.

At first, Ally was taken back that he knew she built a barrier wall in front of her emotions. Wild guess, perhaps.

"I'd like to see you try. The only reason why I speak to you is to share my opinion on a book you misinterpreted. Other than that, we're strangers."

"We all have our own interpretations when it comes to sharing our thoughts on a specific book. There is no right or wrong- maybe only, I suppose." Austin replied, confident.

"Perhaps." Ally responded to his reply and got up, wanting to- for the first time- leave the library early when Austin spoke again.

"You'll see, Allyson. One day, you'll see a whole new Ally."

Ally continued walking away, but she briefly stopped after a few seconds and whispered loud enough for Austin to hear,

"I wasn't always like this."


Hey! Sorry for super late update. Writer's block, haha, but now that I wrote this chapter, I feel like starting on the next one right away! So expect a surprise update from this fanfic-not sure with Soulmate though.

Hypothesis for next chapter: Ally tells Austin her past.

Comment 'Banana' if you think it's true and 'Cookie' if it isn't (Don't forget to state your own interpretations!)

QOTC: Have you seen the Karaoke and Kalamity promo?


So before I forget, I published my first one-shot in this Raura/Auslly one-shot book. The first one's a Raura one, so don't forget to check it out! The one-shot book actually incorporates a song in each one-shot, as of now. So I really hope that you can vote and comment (here and there) ! xx


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