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Third Person Omniscient Point Of View

//not edited



Today was the first day of May. Only a month left until school ends. Normally, the amount of absences will increase, but not for Ally.

Right now, she's in the library. She's a volunteer helper there. She feels more at use at the heart of her imagination land. It's where she truly is her.

Ally checked the list Mrs. Young, the head librarian, handed to her earlier.

It was pretty long since she was the only volunteer, or so she thought.

'Aisle 26.'

It was her next destination. Off to 'Cliché Ville' then.

Aisle 26 was one of Ally's favorite places in the library. It was where all the stories categorized as 'romance' were.

Ally adored the cheesy clichés there as much as she hated to admit it, but she found it enjoyable to imagine her as one of the characters who started out clueless and ended up happy.

If only life was that easy.

But there are her favorites though. Those that emphasize how love can be found anywhere and anytime, but may not end as a happy ending as well.

Those that give us all a reality check on how life really is.

Those that show what true love is.


As Ally casually walked to Aisle 26 of the humongous library while pushing the rusty, yet comfortable cart piled with interesting books of different genres, she was startled to see the bleached mop of blonde hair that resembled the six foot two teen whom she bumped in to the other day.

Aisle 26 was always empty.

The only crowded part of the library was the science-fiction section, where the Anatomy club would hold their meetings every Tuesday's.

There may be the occasional student/s walking pass by the non-fiction section of the library for school/studying purposes.

But none other than that, Aisle 26 was usually almost always empty. In other words, deserted.

Ally's gaze soon lead onto the book that Austin was reading.

'Where Rainbows End'

You'd think it would be a story about sunshines and rainbows, given the title, but Ally knew it was so much more than that. It wasn't just a simple love story.

It was about two best friends that never realized their love for each other.

It unraveled the hardships of having to get over a person, who so happened to be your best friend, from seeing him get a girlfriend, whom you would automatically hate, and seeing him get married... Twice.

Starting out from the beginning of the book, it may have seemed like nonsense at first. It may have seemed like a cheesy, cliché book that people end up enjoying, but it isn't.

Yes, they may have started out as best friends at a very young age, but with denial and no guts to show such, it would never happen.


And for the first time since Elliot, Ally approached a guy, who was none other than Austin Moon.

She plopped down to the seat right in front of him and observed the way he was reading for a while.

It may have seemed creepy, but right now, Ally just seemed like an alien to this horrid planet, without speaking to a soul properly except for Uncle Jeff and just yesterday, Trish.

She sees him furrowing his eye-brows at the possible turn of events that are happening in the book, and figured that this may be the only way to eliminate any confused thoughts she has been having lately.

"It must be the pregnancy that left you flabbergasted and in shock, perhaps."

Austin was most definitely not surprised of Ally's presence for he came to understand that she was everywhere, and you only had to pay attention to her to know such, but he was astonished and intrigued by her sing-song, professional voice that filled the silent room of wonders.

"Not exactly. I may have felt that way when I first read the scene, but I'm past that. As you can see, I'm stunned beyond words at what the letter has held. It pained the heart a little to see someone suffer in that way."

Ally knew it was her turn to give a little reality check on how love really works to Austin.

"You see, this book specifically held details that were eye openers for all of us. Love isn't just that easy. At times, you may think that it's just for the sake of drama and everything will turn out well in the end, but not every story is like that, just like how people's lives are. Not everyone will live a good life, though it may seem like they do. Why would your heart pain if she suffers? Everyone suffers."

"I suppose you know what was it like to be in her shoes? The poor girl loved her best friend, but was just too much in denial to tell him. It was the same vise versa. It came to an extent that they had to see each other get married to finally see what was right in front of them, and right when the boy finally realized what she really meant to him and wrote her a letter just to express it all, fate had to torture them more and let the husband of the girl lock it away from her. It's all too unfair."

"Life's unfair and I simply state that there's nothing we could do about it. It may be a fictional book, but it implies the fundamentals that we have learned. It's simply describing what a few couples out there suffer. If you cannot take the heartbreak that the book may provide, I suggest you to stop reading it then. Therefore, your theory of how your life will end like rainbows and sunshines will remain."

Austin then chuckled.

"You see, Allyson, that's the reason why I read these kind of books. I learn from them, and after each romance novel I view, my perspective of how love really is changes. I like to torture myself that way."

And with that, Ally was left speechless for a minute there, but eventually regained herself and opened her mouth to say the words that she's been wanting to tell him ever since she first saw him.


*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"I guess you could say you were saved by the bell. I look forward to more of these friendly debates. Catch you later, Allyson."

Austin then spoke. Just as he was about to turn around and rush to class, he heard Ally speak in that vulnerable tone of hers again.

"It's Ally, not Allyson."


I finally conquered you chapter 8! This is the longest chapter I've ever written here, so far. Haha, so excuse me again for this sort of filler chapter. Well, it's not really a filler chapter, you'll find out in the future why I wrote such words in this chapter🙊. Btw, I'm very immature, so check the pic ^^

Hypothesis for next chapter: Trish attends the same school as Ally. (Same hypothesis as the last one)

Comment 'Banana' if you think it's true and 'Cookie' if otherwise, don't forget to state your reason why💕.

QOTC: How often do you want me to update this fanfic?

AOTC: That's for you to answer😚

So I almost forgot to say, I don't own the book. It's by Cecilia Ahern. I don't intend to get in trouble for any copyright problems so yeah. Btw, thank you so much! We finally reached 1k+ views! It's such a great feeling🙈. You're all awesome people, which reminds me, I'm about to publish chapter 2 of 'Soulmate (Raura)' so don't forget to check it out!🌸 xx


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