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First Person- Ally's Point Of View

// edited

"Ally!" Trish called, running to give me that gigantic bear hug of hers.

I stood there, dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.

After realizing that I wasn't hugging back, Trish abruptly pulled away while muttering a quick sorry.

Honestly, I don't know what I should do with Trish suddenly coming back to my life again.

Sure she was there when my life was just like a typical, normal teenager's, but just when everything that I loved and held so dear close to went downhill, she suddenly distanced herself and left to some other state.

I missed her.

She was my best friend after all. I remember her disappearance being a factor in my sleepless nights where I just either bawl and cry, hating my life or stare at the wall, reminiscing all the good memories that I had experienced.

But eventually, I got over it. Though I would still miss her sass and advice here and there, I also grew to become an independent person, and I like the Ally that I've become, frankly.

Snapping back to reality, I feel an awkward tension arising. I don't think we were ever like this before, but then again, we're different people now.

I've changed.

"Uh, hey Ally..." Trish unsurely tried to start.

"Why hello there Patricia." I formally greeted.

I don't need her trying to break down the walls that I built up.

I don't need her bringing the old 'Ally' back.

"Um, you can call me Trish, Alls. It's not like you're my teacher," She spoke, with a hint of sass in her voice.

I cringe at the mention of the nickname that he used to call me.

Oh right, Trish doesn't know what happened, fully. She just knew part of it.

"Oh, well in that case, hi there Trish." I subtly restarted.

"Ally, what happened to you? You've changed a lot. You were never like this before!" Trish exclaimed.

"I've been through a lot. It's not like you were there anyways. I had no one." I retorted.

Wow, good job at trying to sound subtle and formal, Ally.

"What I meant was, people change, Trish." I decided to correct.

"What do you mean I wasn't there? I was always there for you, Ally. I just had to leave because of my grandfather's death. Not everyone has a perfect life like you, Ally." Trish started to sob.

By now, my heart softened. I never knew that Trish has also been through a lot like me, except she thinks that I still have that fairytale-like life.

Well, I don't, and she deserves the right to know.

"I have no one." I plainly stated.

"What do you mean you have no one? You have Elliot." Trish dumbfounded remarked.

"I had Elliot." I bluntly replied.

"What do you mean you had him?" Trish obtusely questioned.

"May we please take this conversation somewhere else please?" I dully asked.

"Of course." Trish understandingly forenamed.


The instant Trish and I reached my room, I immediately locked it and rushed to hug her.

"What's wrong Ally?" Trish inquired in a concerned and motherly tone.

I just continuously shook my head and wept into her shoulder.

After a good 5 minutes, I stopped hyperventilating and recomposed myself.

"Elliot. Elliot is out of my life now." I barely uttered.

And with that, Trish went into her bizarre, protective best friend mode, while interrogating me.

"What do you mean he's out of your life, Ally?!"

"Did he cheat on you?!"

"Did he hurt you in any way?!"

"Are you okay, Ally?"

"I-I do-don't know how to-to ex-explain i-it. It-it just ha-hap-happened s-so quick-quickly and I-I never knew!" I stuttered with frustration at myself.

I waited for Trish to calm down and I then proceeded to tell her everything, not leaving a single detail out of it.

As I explained, I see the mixed feelings that she conveyed at every pronunciation of every single word I said.

When I finished, she told me that it was going to get better. She told me that I will get over him. She told me that it wasn't my fault.

But I knew better.

I knew that was just Trish trying to make me feel better. This was just the shibboleth way of saying everything's going to be okay, when it really isn't going to. I really need to think this through.


After the emotional encounter with Trish, I didn't even bother to have dinner anymore. I just laid on my bed and reflected on how my old life was.

More importantly, I thought of everything that I had with Elliot.

The giggles and laughs we shared, the exchange of hugs and occasional kisses that we once did and basically, every single memory I had with him.

After thinking for hours, I came to a conclusion, which I found preposterous at first, but after analyzing it over and over, it seemed reasonable and true.

I just can't bear the fact that Elliot is gone and I hate myself that I thought that it was no big deal after a while.

I thought I was okay. I thought that I could live a life without him. I thought it wasn't my fault.

But sadly, I thought wrong.

I am not okay.

I can't live without him.

And what hurts me the most is that,

It was most definitely my fault.


Good evening lovely readers! I made sure to give you guys a little background of Ally's past. I hope that you're glad with the chapter since I worked so hard on it😂🙈... Well not really. It took me a good 2 or 3 hours to finish it though, so yeah💩.

Hypothesis for next chapter: Austin gets pregnant. (JK OMG😶) what I meant was, Trish attends the same school as Ally.

Comment 'Banana' if you think it's true and 'Cookie' if otherwise. (don't forget to state your own conclusions)

QOTC: Favorite song at the moment?

AOTC: Hmm... This is a hard question, but I'm going to go with Austin and Ally's theme song, 'Can't Do It Without You', because I'm still not over Austin and Ally ending and i tend to play it on repeat A LOT, hehe😅

Oh and lastly, don't worry. You'll find out about Ally and Elliot's past in the next chapters. I just don't know if I should bring it up yet or not haha😏. I would love to see your guesses though🙈🙌🏼. xx💕


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