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First Person- Ally's Point Of View


What just happened there?

What does this Austin kid want to do with me?

Why am I all of a sudden making a big deal out of this?

And why in the world is he noticing or even paying attention to me?

This seems so unreal.

But at the same time, I wonder if maybe he could be the person who would understand me.

He doesn't know about the rumors. He doesn't know about the lies. He doesn't know about the theories...

But he will find out.

And just like the others, he will look at me lowly.

All I ever am to this society is nothing.

I'm a weed to my surroundings.

I appear everywhere.

Yet I'm not valued anywhere.

I try my best to help.

Yet I end up bringing even more problems in the end.

I'm always going to be brought down. I'm always going to be useless. I'm always going to feel inferior of everyone.

I was insecure back then, but the life I had way back supported me into embracing that flaw and openly accepting it.

But so many events have happened.

Twists and turns have been going through these bumpy roads along the way.

And through that, I've changed.

I'm still as insecure as ever now, but I have a lower amount of self-esteem in me.

My perspective of how life really is, differed in so many ways.

Before, I had everything in my life figured out.

I liked the idea of taking over the family business.

I liked the idea of becoming independent once I'm 18.

And I loved the idea of how selfless and crazy a person in love can do.

The concept of how love is what basically made me astonished.

... But learning that trust was needed?

It was too much.


As I walk to my next class, I see the hallway filled with the typical love-drunk 17-year olds, sucking each other's faces.

How cliché.

I can tell that Brent over there is practically two-timing Andrea and yet, they're there exchanging their 'I love you's' as if they're getting married the next day.

What is love to them?

Just because a person is dating someone, it doesn't justify that they're in love.

Just because a couple may exchange kisses and 'I love you's' at times, it doesn't mean that they mean what they say and do.

The word itself may be short, but it goes a long way. There's a lot of meaning put on to it.

It's the most brainwashing feeling in the world. The selfless act of just sacrificing whatever you have for someone just to impress or prove yourself to them should already mean a lot.

I've seen genuine love being exchanged when I pass by Mr and Mrs. Graham's house as they just sit by their fireplace on their rocking-chairs prepared to die together.

Teens on the other hand are still reckless with this topic. They go for the looks of a person and don't usually mean what they say.

I've started to not believe in this whole love concept, but sometimes it's hard.

It's so hard when you used to believe in it as well before, when you, yourself was in cloud 9, thinking of that one person.

What can I say?

Love makes you go crazy.

And I'm trying my best to run away from it.

And I don't need this Austin kid to change my mindset on this.


I then decided to run back to Ms. Grace's classroom.

"Hi Ms. Grace?"

She sure looked shocked to see me approach her; more so, talk to her.

"Yes Ally, how may I help you and aren't you supposed to be heading to your next class?"

"I'm about to actually, I just need a small favor."

"Ask away."

"I need you to change my seat in class. I would be willing to sit anywhere."

I could see that she thought of this as my way of saying that I'll be more attentive in class, but there's actually a whole lot more to it.

"Sure, I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you."

And with that, I briefly rush out of her classroom and run to my next class before the bell rings, still making sure that no one would notice me.

But the odds were against me today.

The most cliché thing happened in the world.

I bumped into him.


Hi! So how are y'all? Thank you sooooo much for the 173 reads, 22 votes and 7 comments! It may not be obvious, but I really do appreciate all of them! So, who do you think is the 'him' here? Austin or the mystery guy Ally keeps talking about? Remember to vote and comment!🌸

Hypothesis for next chapter: Austin and Ally have a subtle and very small conversation.

Comment 'Banana' if you think it's true and 'Cookie' if otherwise.

QOTC: Did any of you watch R5's movie, All Day All Night?

AOTC: Nope, I don't live in America, but I am happy that there'll be a DVD for it and I heard that Rydellington was confirmed HXHSJSKSZJZ

So that's all, thanks for reading this story and I hope that you'll check out my other stories that are Raura based. Xx💕


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