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(Before I start, may I please ask you banana waffles to check my A/N later. I have something important to tell you guys. Thanks!😚)

First Person- Ally's Point Of View

//not edited

I had no idea why, but I seemed pretty off today.

Why is Austin swarming into my thoughts right now?

Is he getting to me?

You wouldn't call this 'falling' for a person, it's more of curiosity, like why doesn't he somehow ignore me like the others.

Doesn't he know about the rumors?


Before you knew it, it was time for lunch. I sat by at the same old usual place, the very corner of the cafeteria.

I actually am calm in that area because no one really bothers you. You're detached from the rowdy noises of the dirty teenage boys and girls back at where we are supposed to sit for lunch.

As I approached my 'table', I notice Trish sitting there with a wide grin, as if expecting my appearance.

"Ally! I forgot to tell you yesterday, OMG. I'm attending the same school as you!" She screamed, loud enough that a few heads turned towards our direction.

I briefly shush her as she mutters a sorry and I end up squealing along with her, excited.

We then continue on with the so-called 'topics that girls talk and gush about'.

It was not yet 5 minutes when our talk was disrupted by a gigantic shadow blocking the light.

I sensed his presence.

I sensed his smell.

I sensed his laughter.

It was Austin Moon.

"Up for World War 3?" He teased.

As if on queue, my eyes rolled.

"What do you want?" I asked, slightly annoyed that I couldn't catch up with my ex-best friend, whom so happens to be an almost best friend now.

"Nothing, just wanted to say a quick hi and ask you when our next judgment session will be." He smartly answered.

"Well, hi and the answer to that is never. Bye." I retorted in an aggravated tone.

He chuckled.

Boy, I hate it when people chuckle.

Thankfully, he departed after, but I did hear him utter the word 'feisty' as he left, and he made it soft enough for no one to hear, but me.

I turned back to Trish to see her mouth jaw-dropped.

"Gosh, Ally. I can't believe what just happened before me."

"Oh don't mind that. It was just an encounter that happened earlier this morning at the library that made me talk. Usually, I would be keeping my head low and running out of my seat!" I half-joked.

"But I did hear Austin Moon being some sort of player and rebel at his old school, which made him get expelled and transfer here." Trish whispered in a serious tone.

"Seriously, Trish? You've only been here for a day and you know more of the gossip and rumors going around than I do." I stated, not really surprised, but more of in disbelief.

"Well, I'm Trish De La Rosa! Knowing what's happening in these kinds of environments is my thing. She boastfully remarked.

"But seriously speaking now Ally. Be careful whenever you're around him. He may act like someone he truly isn't. Don't let his games get to you." She then followed after arrogantly stating her platform.

"Trish, you should know. I don't think I'll ever get over what happened with him. You know the story and how much I felt about him." I spoke with a hint of hurt in my voice, as I let out an exasperated sigh that I didn't know I was holding and left the lunch table as the bell rang just moments after.


Class was pretty boring today, as always, but for some reason, I wasn't even enthusiastic at music class, which was something highly unlikely and rare.

I don't know why, but Trish's words sort of stung me. It kind of pulled a few nerves and brought me back to memory lane when he was still by my side.

Yes, I don't like mentioning his name. It's just that painful.

I was brought back to reality by a voice, screaming my name.

This is such a wrong timing to call for me.

I don't need to deal with this nonsense.

Especially at an unstable and emotional state.

But unfortunately, the voice seemed to get louder, meaning, the figure calling out my name was catching up to me.

I realized that I couldn't escape this even if I brisk walked. Heck, even if I ran, so I just stood there waiting for the person who called me to reach me.

"Hey Ally." He greeted with that smirk of his that I certainly got irritated of.

"Hi... Austin." I greeted back, with a poker face.

I then continued on with my walking, when he pulled me back.

"Yes?" I sighed.

"Are you okay?" He cheekily asked.

"Better than ever." I sarcastically remarked and was about to walk when he stopped me, again,

"You didn't finish what you were saying earlier this morning." He curiously stated.

"It's nothing, really." I plainly answered when he suddenly tickled me.

"It's not going to work, and what the heck was that for?" I questioned.

He grinned like a 5-year old.

"Look, I'm not exactly a people's person here. I'm better off alone, like always, and I don't need you changing my perspective of it." I finally tell him, proud of myself, and this time, sprinted back to my house, finally alone.

If he thinks that I'm easy to befriend, then he's wrong.

Besides, I was told to avoid him.

But what I really don't understand is,

What's his deal with me?


Hey banana waffles! So, here's the thing. I may not be able to update as frequent due to many things happening. I have to recover from something painful, external and internal. External because I just came from the hospital. Nothing major, don't sweat about it, and internal because of the Rourtney drama brewing. Honestly, though it lowered my hopes for Raura happening because of Landrew also happening and such, what really made some fans disappointed was when Ross ignored them, but anyways, since this IS an Auslly story, nothing will really change so hehe.

Hypothesis for the next chapter: Ally tries to avoid Austin.

Comment 'Banana' if you think it's true and 'Cookie' if otherwise. (Don't forget to state your own hypothesis💕)

QOTC: So I'm thinking of writing another fanfic (even after the Rourtney drama lol) to get my mind off things, and I want you to pick. Do you want it to be an Auslly or Raura story?

AOTC: that's for you guys to answer hehe.

I'll try to update again sometime this or next week and Happy Mother's Day to all the awesome moms out there!🙌🏼❤️


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