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Third Person Omniscient Point Of View


"Austin Moon."

That name was lurking in Ally's thoughts. Usually, she couldn't care less for a new or transfer student, but for some reason, even Chelsea's annoying, to good to be true, high-pitched voice that she never really cared about, boomed in her head, echoing.

It sent shivers down her spine as she glanced at the clock.

8:25 am.

Class will be starting soon and she's getting more anxious to see who this person may be at every tick tock of the clock.


*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

That was the bell that signaled the start of the class. Ms. Grace was just about to greet us all when the school's secretary knocked on the door.

Ms. Grace welcomed her presence, expecting news, but was startled at the sight of a six foot two young blonde standing behind her.

Of course this appearance of his caught many's attentions.

He wore a light blue cardigan that was hugging his body tightly, showing off his perfectly toned six-pack. He also wore a black leather jacket over his shirt and paired it off with some ripped jeans and black, vintage looking converse.

As the secretary was explaining who this new student is, Ally heard that name she has been trying to get off her head for the past 10 minutes.

He was the boy in this room.

She decided to observe him and wasn't the least bit interested, but his converse caught her eye. The way it was perfectly fitted onto him, with the dirty, yet clean at the same time laces, which were messily tied. She seemed pleased with that part of his outfit.

He may have looked intimidating to some as well, but his good looks couldn't lie. He was plain handsome without even trying, which got all the girls swooning over him, excluding Ally of course.

For a moment, Ally stared at him. She adored his sparkling, hazel eyes, but quickly looked down when his eyes met hers. She did not know what was wrong with her. Why would she look at him like that?

It reminded her of... Him.

She shrugged it off and carried on with whatever she was doing, while listening to her teacher of course.

"Class, I would like you all to meet Austin Moon. He's a transfer student from California."

Ms. Grace then turned to the new student.

"You may sit at the front or back, wherever you'd like. I'll give you the freedom to choose on your first day here in Miami."

Austin nodded as all the girls in the class were literally throwing themselves at him, begging him to sit with them or dragging him by the hand.

He shook them off and sat right in front of Ally.

Assuming it was just because boys were surrounded there and Ally was at the far end corner, alone anyways, the girls saw Ally as no threat.

It's not like she cared either.

But something about this Austin dude made Ally shiver. He seemed so familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

She decided to shake it off for now, hoping that it not strike any nerves that lead to her past.

Her past was always a touchy subject.

Though it may seem that her parents raised her well and she had a happy life with them, just like any regular teenager, she kept secrets.

Remember her overprotective father?

That afternoon when Ally came into her house with her so-called 'lab partner' and the statement of assurance that she gave her father was actually a lie, well semi-lie.

It was her first encounter with... Him

That moment when she first had feelings for him.

Sometimes, good girls are bad girls whom haven't been caught

But knowing that her past was something she well regretted, just as usual, Ally decided to ignore it, to try to erase it, to replace it.

To run away from it.

Ally was always insecure. She just hid it now since no one really gave the attention to her, but deep down inside, everyday before dressing up, she would consider wearing her accidentally bleached, red floral shirt.

She just changed.

And it was always because of... Him.

He made her the Ally she is now, and maybe that's one of the things holding her back from her true self.

Ally doesn't like living in the past... In her past. It's just too much for her.

In times like these, she would silently wish for the comfort of her old best friend, Trish.

But she shouldn't start daydreaming, or in this case, reliving her past right now. She should be focused on her studies and what Ms. Grace is teaching. Otherwise, she would get caught and be the center of attention, which was something she hoped for a million years to never happen.


As Ally snapped back into reality, she finds herself in an awkward situation.

She sees the Austin kid looking at her, expecting an answer.

"I asked you what was your name. Hi, I'm Austin." The new transfer student introduced.

Being the shy person that she is, Ally nodded and pointed to her notebook that had her name imprinted on with her perfect handwriting.

He then chuckled.

"A little timid ey? Don't worry, the ice'll break soon." He smiled.

She nodded and gave him a small smile with a thought of,

What just happened there?


Hi! I apologize for the short chapter here. I promise that it'll get longer somehow. I'm still kinda unsure of the audience since you guys barely comment, but thanks so much for the 116 reads, 15 votes and 3 comments😚💕.

So what do you think is going to happen next? Let's play this game.

Hypothesis for the next chapter: Ally will warm up to Austin.

Comment 'Banana' if you think it's true, and 'Cookie' if you think it's otherwise.

QOTC (Question Of The Chapter): Auslly or Raura?

AOTC (Answer Of The Chapter): As cliché as the question may be, I know that we all struggle at this question, but honestly, in my opinion, I prefer Raura because it seems more realistic in a way. Sometimes, I feel like Auslly is playing safe, not only because it's from a Disney Channel show, but because they're already an item. That feeling of adrenaline that we all had with them is slowly fading... But I still legitimately ship them like crazy though.

So, I hope you answer the Banana or Cookie thing and the QOTC! 🌸 Thank you really, for always making me smile. My amateur Raura stories, Will It Ever Work and The Chance Of A Lifetime may seem a little strange at first when you read them, given that I didn't have much experience when I first started back in November 2014, but I appreciate every read, comment and vote! 😊✨


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