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      In the blink of an eye.....anything can would......and it could change everything.....for better or for worse.


      It was a cold dark night, snow covered over heaps of land. From the grass, to the trees, to roads now being turned into sleek and slippery sheets of ice. Among the snow was a building, one that extended out pretty far but was lacking when it came to height. This building was home to a financially stable company, but one that could still use a hand or two just in case things ever went awry. Like now.
Currently, a woman sat at her desk, she observed how data was being transferred into her drive.

???: "Come on, come on....."

      She looked around to see if anyone was watching or if anyone would come by but there was no one there. So she turned back just as the data finished downloading.

???: "Good...."

      The woman took the drive and shut off the computer just as she was about to leave. As soon as she walked through the door and headed outside, a voice spoke to her.

???2: "Long night eh?"

???: "Certainly."

???2: "You ok Miss (L/n)?"

Miss (L/n): "I'm fine....Maybe a bit of shuteye would help but otherwise I'm fine."

???2: "K....well, just to let you know........have a nice day.........courtesy of Cryon."

That phrase made Miss (L/n) shiver a bit due to how the man's tone had shifted and changed his expression. Despite that, she moved on and started up her car while still watching her surroundings as well as the man still leaning against the brick wall.

Miss (L/n): "......I hope you have a nice day too!"

      The way she said that line came out rather forced. As if she had no control over it. But she said it anyway in order to try and not come off rude. However, she became less concerned with someone following her as she entered her car and put the keys into the ignition. Her car produced a nice humming sound as she caressed the wheel before driving away.

???2: "She might be onto something sir....yes....we'll keep a close eye on her."

      On her drive back home, the woman occasionally looked behind her to see if a car was following her. Turns out....there was none in sight. She sighed in relief as she turned her head back and looked at the stoplight up ahead. The light was green but turned into yellow then red before she was even close to turning left.
Miss (L/n) felt like she was waiting there forever. It didn't help that she constantly tapped her thumb along the wheel.

Miss (L/n): "Come on............come on.....just go already......"

Finally, the light turns green as she turns left and gets closer to her house. Unaware of a cab following directly behind her. As soon as she pulled into her driveway, she got out of her car and took the drive with her. When she opened her front door she yelled out for her husband.

Miss (L/n): "Honey! I got it!!!"

......Not a peep was spoken. Nothing.....just an empty void of silence. It was quite an odd feeling for Miss (L/n). Usually Mr. (L/n) answers right away. But this time..........there wasn't even a hint of noise. The other clue that something was off.......was that a little badge was on the corner of their living room table.

Miss (L/n): "What?"

The little badge was blue and had a symbol on it. One that resembled an ice pick. Miss (L/n)'s eyes widen as she realizes that something had gone wrong. She walks slowly towards the hallway leading towards several rooms but directly in front of her was a door leading to her son's room. And a curious thing about it was that some light seeped through the door.
The now somewhat frightened woman walked slowly down the hall with her shoes now crunching against the soft wool like fabric. Once she got less than a foot away from the door, she put her left hand against it and pushed it open before seeing her husband putting away their baby boy into bed.

Mr. (L/n): "Easy now....don't want to go waking the baby now do you?"

Miss (L/n): "Christ Winslow you scared the hell out of me."

Mr. (L/n): "Why? Wh-."

The man named Winslow looked to go out of the bedroom but Miss (L/n) stopped him by a hand on his chest.

Miss (L/n): "....Don't go out there...."

Mr. (L/n): "Why? Something wrong Minerva?"

Miss (L/n): "Yes. It's Cryon.......They're probably gonna be coming after us soon."

Mr. (L/n): "What makes you think that?"

Miss (L/n): ".......I found an agent's badge on the living room table."

Mr. (L/n): "Shit.....they must've been here already."

Miss (L/n): "Hopefully they didn't do anything too severe."

Mr. (L/n): "From the looks of it when I've been here.....looks like nothing is out of the ordinary."

Miss (L/n): "Yeah.....but something can still go wrong I just know it. Something will. I can feel it."

Mr. (L/n): "Minerva.....we're fine. Look at me, look at (M/n)! He's still breathing ain't he?"

Miss (L/n): "Don't be saying that!"

Mr. (L/n): "Look at it! fine."


      Miss (L/n) didn't have time to react. It was too late. Mr. (L/n) had been shot and killed. Miss (L/n) didn't have time to weep however as she hid behind some walls and away from windows.

Miss (L/n): "No No No!!!!!!! God just go away!!!!"

      There was no response from the enemies outside lurking in the cold night. All Miss (L/n) could do was listen. All she heard was tiny tip toes that crunched along the snow. She waited carefully as the tiptoes got increasingly louder until.....


      The glass had broken and out popped a smoke grenade.


      Miss (L/n) did her best to avert her eyes away from the loud boom and ringing after that. But she still couldn't see anything, that is until she saw a gun pointed directly at her temple.

Miss (L/n): ".........(M/n)......"


???: "Sir......targets are taken care of.................
......what about the baby?............Yeah, I guess there really is nothing else to do with him is there?.....Alright, I'll bring him with me..........."

      With a baby still crying and now several people concerned of a horrific event...........the figure in all black clothing leaves into the night....


The Hunt (Male Reader X Yelena Belova)Where stories live. Discover now