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(M/n): "You must be proud of me aren't you?"

Yelena: "I'm not saying I am......I'm just saying that you did well..."

(M/n): "See? I knew you'd see just how powerful I really can be!"

Yelena: "How did Seymour put up with you for so long?"

(M/n): "About as long as you have been with me."

Yelena: "Ugh god."

      While we got closer together, with me about to kiss her and her lovely lips. A large boom went off which got us shaken.

(M/n): "What on earth?"

However, instead of getting a moment to breath, a voice echoed through our ears. A rather calm but intense feminine voice.

???: "(M/n) (L/n).........Do not think you can hide for too much longer."

(M/n): "Wha? Me? What would people want with wittle ol me?????"

Yelena: "I don't know...Have you looked in the mirror as of late?"

(M/n): "I swear I'm going to bed you after this."

      I kicked open the door and saw what was outside, it.....Huh....You know in a bubble this would be easy to explain...But now that I see it in action I'm really not too sure....It's like the world....Is...... having parts of it being ripped apart. And this figure in the center of it all, is consuming parts of this world.

(M/n): "Yeah.....I don't think I'm cut out for this anymore....Uh it's been fun Yelena believe me but....That thing is way above whatever I've fought before."

Yelena: "Oh come now it shouldn't be that bad..."

      Just as she says this, another part of the earth is ripped out with very little to no effort.

Yelena: "That was a lie...."

(M/n): "Yeah I could tell....."

      However, our moment was short lived as the voice then spotted me.

???: "There you are........."

      The figure absorbing pieces of the earth zipped to our exact location. It landed in a large crater. The dust faded to reveal a short female wearing glasses.

???: "(M/n)......"

(M/n): "Uhh....That's my name? Can I....Help you?"

Yelena punches my arm out of annoyance.

(M/n): "Ow! What?"

Yelena: "You are an idiot."

???: "Enough talk you two.....Especially the blonde one over there.......As for you......You're coming with me....."

      Yelena then immediately got in front of me, getting a bit annoyed and slightly angry at this girl.

Yelena: "Oh no....Do not think you can come over here and steal from me?"

???: "Don't get in my way...Otherwise it won't end well for you....."

Before a fight could break out between the two, a flash blinded us all as I heard a loud rumbling noise, it was almost too distracting more than anything, once the light went away. All we saw was an even bigger crater and the girl with glasses was gone, the only thing we saw was a guy with his back turned to us. He spoke in a very calmed voice,

???: "You both need to come with me.....It isn't safe here."

(M/n): "Why not?"

???: "Because......"

      The man then turned around as we see his face and we both looked at him in shock.

(M/n)?: "Us (M/n)'s need to stick together....."

(M/n): ".............."

Yelena: "......."

(M/n)?: "Come on we don't have much time...."


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