Mission From Another

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(M/n) POV

(M/n): "....."

Seymour: "Got some firepower this time?"

(M/n): "Next time I should know when to bring a gun to a fist fight."

Seymour: "That would be a bit unfair....."

(M/n): "That can wait....Now about you....What do you want?"

She didn't say a word to me......She wasn't even making eye contact with me.

(M/n): ".....Alright, you're playing hard to get...Fine...."

I point my gun up to the ceiling but Seymour smacks my hand.

Seymour: "You dumbass!"

(M/n): "What? What did I do?"

Seymour: "Do you not see how low this ceiling is on us?????"

(M/n): "I was just giving a warning is all..."

Seymour: "Yeah but open fire in a building??? Why not.....Either shoot the window...Or don't fire at all...."

(M/n): "Ok ok....Geez....Don't get your prop in a twist....."

I moved the gun back to have it pointed at the woman....She all the while was looking at the floor rather than staring at either of us.

(M/n): "Uh....Hello????"

???: "I can hear you...........I'm just not listening to you....."

(M/n): "I-........."

Seymour: "Speak up.....Otherwise we'll have to do this the hard way."

???: "Then why don't you do it already?"

Seymour: "That's a good question...."

      I get closer to her with the gun now against her temple.

(M/n): "I'll give you the hard way...."

Yelena POV

Yelena: "I've had worse......Not a particularly cool way to die......."

???: "You have a way to die? Why???"

???2: "Why are you questioning her on that?????"

???: "Am I not allowed to?!?!?!?l Seriously though, I don't care what happens....I don't want to die to anything!....Well....Maybe when I'm older....Big maybe though......."

Yelena: "Are you going to intimate me or not dipshit?"

???: "Oh hell no!"

      The older man pulls the gun away from his colleague while I put my hands down.

???: "Hey hey hey, put your god Damn hands above your head!!"

???2: "Stop this at once (M/n)! Don't be concerned with this woman! She isn't part of this mission...Only a distraction in it....What do you want from us anyway???"

Yelena: "The same thing as you....."

???2: "Really now? Why is that?"

Yelena: "None of your business....."

???2: "That so eh?"

Yelena: "Yes.....Only for me and for me only to know...."

???2: "Fair enough I guess....But why did you attack us in the first place?"

Yelena: "Cryon yes?"

      The two guys just looked at each other in confusion.

???2: "We are.....And that explains it?"

Yelena: "Not entirely..........Your company is not exactly the one you frame it out to be...."

???2: "What else is new??? What makes Cryon different from everything else going on in the world??"

Yelena: "You two are part of a group of greedy folks who have ruined lives....."

(M/n): "What? That's ridiculous!"

The older gentleman had turned away for a few seconds, pushing his hand through his short white hair.

(M/n): "Something off Seymour?"

Seymour: "No.....There's nothing......"

(M/n): "You sure?"

Seymour: "Yeah I'm sure......"

(M/n): "Ok........"

The man diverted his attention back to me, not dropping the gun and instead still had it pointed at my head.

Seymour: "Cryon isn't all bad...."

Yelena: "Maybe you aren't...But your place is....."

(M/n): "What makes you say that?"

Yelena: "Then maybe I could show you....."


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