Enhanced Altercation

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26 Years Later

With all still unknown about this company Cryon, save for bits and pieces being mentioned about what kind of company they are and what they have been doing for years. Yet, they have remained in the shadows for several decades. One of the few people who actually knows about this company, is a man going by the name of (M/n) (L/n). He was quite the young and talented rookie, only just coming off his training and now being put out on a task to find something important.
      The item was still unknown to (M/n) but he was at least given a beacon of where it would be.

(M/n): "Anything else I should know about?"

???: "No not really."

The man (M/n) was talking to currently leaned against a wall as he scratched the top of his head. The man went by Seymour. He was a much older man than (M/n) but what he lacked in speed, he had plenty of wit. From his clever strategies to his unique training regimen which kept a young (M/n) always on his toes. Seymour always had a plan, even if it failed, there would be still more to come.

(M/n): "Ok......but you want me to fly all the way out to Budapest in order to find it?"

Seymour: "Well, you're not flying to Budapest.....We are....."

(M/n): "Really? Then where's our jet?"

Seymour: "You'll see it. You'll see it...."

      The old man leads his student outside as the student wasn't exactly the silent type when it came to his thoughts on the ship.

(M/n): "HOLY SH-."


Seymour: "Indeed a moment worthy of saying that."

(M/n): "Wow.....this is awesome........can I drive?"

Seymour: "Don't be ridiculous...only I am allowed to drive."

(M/n): "Bu-W-When can I drive?"

Seymour: "Whenever they give you keys now let's get moving!"


3rd POV

      It was a beautiful day in Budapest, with everyone mostly going about their day. However, some seemed to have other plans. A blonde haired woman sat a cafe just admiring the bright sky and all the citizens walking and chatting it up.

???: "Unusually long for quite a goal like this..."

She muttered while looking around and getting finicky with her cup.

???: "If they are here..........then they should be here any moment now."

Not a moment longer did she wait before a loud roar came flying by her head. She smirks before finishing the cup and leaving a tip on the table.

???: "There's my cue....."

She stands up and heads towards the sound of the ship.

With (M/n) and Seymour

(M/n): "So....what exactly does this device do?"

Seymour: "Not sure. But apparently it is powerful enough to get the boss infatuated with it."

(M/n): "Fair enough...anything else I should take note of?"

Seymour: "Yes....Don't start flirting with every girl you see. Got that?"

(M/n): "I'll try my best not too."

Seymour: "Good now let's get moving..."

??? POV

The ship looked to be nowhere in sight, or at least not that I could see anyway. But, when I turned to the left, I saw two unusual men walking out of a hotel. They both wore mostly strange clothing. One being a older man wearing like a swat suit. And the guy next to him looked to be wearing the same except he looked to be around the same age as me.

???: "Bingo....."

(M/n) POV

Seymour just looks to my left as I look right and see nothing but civilians just casually walking by as some give us weird looks while others don't bat an eye. Seymour walks away from me for a moment as I just keep a look out. When I turn left, Seymour was nowhere to be found.

(M/n): "Crap....even for a senior citizen he moves fast."

At first, I felt lost. That is until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a blonde haired woman who just tapped her fingers together while having her brown eyes sparkle.

???: "Excuse me sir. Do you mind if you help me with something?"

(M/n): "Ah well, I would but I am looking for my friend and it seems I have lost him right now."

???: "No need to worry. It'll just be real quick...."

(M/n): "Oh alright.....but I'll just do it for you......."

      I start smiling a little bit as she guides me to an alley. I look at the narrow and tight walls as I turn back to her.

(M/n): "So Uh, what is it that you need?"

???: "Oh nothing....just a hint."

(M/n): "A hint of wh-OW!!!!!"

      I hold my groin in pain as I fall backwards.

???: "Nothing personal....."

      She runs away from me as I just lay there a little bit longer.

(M/n): "Come on!!! And in the worst place too????"


The Hunt (Male Reader X Yelena Belova)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora