Chapter 1 - Like an Anime Character?

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Prologues are difficult. Let's just jump into it shall we? :D

Updates may be slow, but the chapters shall be longer than normal.


A soft giggle. Gentle coos of nonsensical babbling and a bit of teeny tiny little yawns. Mix that all together and what do you get?

Yup. Babies. Babies with tiny little fingers. And God, Ruki detested the little things. They got spit on absolutely everything. There was no end to the crying, the whining, the need for attention! It all just made him want to tear his eyeballs out..!

He groaned for the hundredth time that night, pressing his head against a nearby window and trying not to scream. His best friend merely scoffed at him lightly and crossed his arms.

“Oh come now Ruki,” Aoi huffed. “It's just a little bit of time right? We aren't gonna be here that long.”

“Easy for you to say,” Ruki grumbled. “I'm not used to being around such tiny little creatures. I spent most of my childhood surrounded by adults. We're born looking like we're already ten years old. I trust you know that?”

“Yeah I know,” he said. “Unlike you I've actually experienced the joys of childhood.”

Ruki scoffed and looked back at him, seeing how he watched the nearby infant in it's crib carefully. Aoi's living room was dark, but cozy and warm at the same time. Akira was upstairs with his parents trying to convince them of letting him go with them to the hotel suite Uruha had already reserved nearby. Ruki was none too secretly wishing those parents of his would let him go...

“Shut up,” he snaps. “I'm just here because you're my best friend, and for that brother of yours...”

“Please We all know how much you want him to jump in your pants, or you in his. But remember; I'll be watching you two very closely. If you try anything, Ruki, make sure you don't hurt him.”

Ruki's raging hormones dimmed down a bit when he remembered that. Of course he knew that. His lust wasn't his fault; Imps were like that sometimes, lusting after humans and seducing them. But he wasn't just in it for the lust or his good looks. Nah, he felt that Akira could be special. Just like Aoi was special, as his friend. And he already knew everything about what was going on. Aoi didn't keep his new royal status a secret from his brother at all.

“Yeah I am aware of that thanks,” he says. “I wouldn't do anything to hurt him you know. If anything... I'd be more worried about me being the one who gets hurt than anything. Just... Don't tell him okay? I wanna slide into this naturally. Like what a human would do.”

Aoi smiled and went back to examining his half brother. He was adorable he was. Fuzzy brunette hair covered his head and he had huge chocolate brown eyes, so contrasted with Akira's own blue ones. A single dimple could be seen on his right cheek every time he so much as yawned, and that made him all the more adorable.

“Thanks Ru,” he says quietly. “I guess that's what friends are for.”

Ruki inwardly facepalmed as the cheesey line slipped from Aoi's mouth, and he was about to remark on it when Aoi's cell phone started ringing. He picked up and answered, his face lighting up with joy when he answered.

“Oh! Uruha,” he proclaimed. “Where are you honey?”

“I'm here at this um... Hotel. Uhh, I'm waiting on you guys to get here. Is Akira coming or not? We still need to talk to him.”

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