Chapter 9 - (Filler Chapter)

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There are plenty of reasons why being royalty is difficult. First, there was the matter of diplomatic and social issues that arose at every other minute, and relaxing was hard. Especially now in such a chaotic time in their lives. Everything was a mess.

Uruha had been trying desperately to have some time to himself and his lover, but unfortunately his duties or whatever else would cut into his precious time. And even when they could be together at last, they were both too tired from their duties that they just went to bed as soon as they could.

Like this morning when they first had to meet the his parents, and then there was the sudden interruption of the runner in his maze. He sat in his throne next to Aoi's with a migraine starting to build up in his temple. His King had gone off to check up on the runner and he stayed behind to make sure things were smooth here at the castle. The runner was a young girl named Anna, and she wished away a smaller infant sister. Honestly, this hasn't happened since Aoi got here. How did someone else manage to get a copy of his book? Last he knew, there were only about 5 left in the entire human world, not including Aoi's own copy.

He or Aoi could only be summoned by his book and the right words of course. Goblins were all over the place and listened for them where and whenever they could.

The King sighed and rubbed his temples in frustration before he stands up and walks to the window beside the main doors. Outside he saw his parents in the garden discussing something, and very heatedly too. His mother was frowning heavily and his father yapping on and on endlessly. Honestly, they have been here since early this morning and all they did was either fuss over him or fight with each other. How did he manage with those two? Honestly...

Someone walked into the main throne room and called for him by name.

"Uruha, sir may I speak with you?"

It was a goblin female, one of the few denizens in this place who wasn't astronomically stupid. In fact it seemed that only the females were at least intelligent enough to hold decent conversations. She seemed like a guard due to the fanciful armor she was wearing.

"Yes what is it? I am very busy."

He actually wasn't, he just wanted to be alone for a little while.

"Um, well you see sire, I just received news that... Your previous second in coomand, the Panther... Well she won't be coming back."

Uruha stopped pacing to stare at her with narrowed eyes.

"What does that mean, exactly?" He demanded. The Goblin gives him a letter and wrings her apron nervously.

"Well you see, she found her family members and decided to stay with them from now on. She was also pregnant and feared for her well being if she stayed here. I am sorry sire."

Pregnant? Uruha never knew that! All Pante told him was that she was 'visiting' her family. But this was a new development that he hadn't been expecting. So much for being an all powerful entity... But, perhaps it was indded for the best. This was certainly no place for a Panther female to raise children. Or, cubs he should say. It was confusing when it came to those sorts of matters, and he hasn't seen an infant since that fateful day so few years ago...

"I understand," he sighs a moment later once it sank in. "Is there anything else?"

"Well, another guard wanted to see you as well, should I let him in?"

"Yes please, and thank you for bringing this information to me directly."

The goblin bows her head and walks out of the room, but not before barking an order at another stupider guard at the main doors to let the other one in. Uruha had to chuckle to himself as he saw the male goblin quiver with fear. These ladies sure were fierce. As the other one came in he sat at his throne with his legs crossed and leaned his head against his hand.

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