Chapter 13 - Not the right Time

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The examination went okay, Akira guessed. Ruki tried to be flirty with him and hope it led to something a bit more... Sexual. But he wouldn't have it, not yet anyway. It wasn't the best time for that sort of thing even if he wanted it as much as Ruki did. It just wasn't the right time.

Certain things he found he wasn't sure about yet, Yutaka would know once he told him probably.

Ruki pouted at him when they were done, pulling on his clothes with a huff and walking out without Akira. He sighed and followed after him, holding the sleeve of his sweater self conciously. What was with him?

He follows behind Ruki slowly and came to the camp to face Yutaka. The imp walked to the edge of the river and stared at the river, ignoring them both.

"Akira," Yutaka greets. "So what have you found out? Ruki didn't tell me."

The blonde looks over at Ruki and sighs.

"Well, the black marks are all over his body like I suspected. His hair is definitely longer, and his eyes are... The same as last night," he reveals. "His pulse was faint but erratic, which was confusing. He's also very pale and his lips are red and thin. What do you make of this, Yutaka?"

The spirit grimaces to himself and crossed his arms, looking away.

"Oh dear oh dear," He mutters. "We have to hurry, breakfast will have to be put on hold. We just have to get going right away."

"So... Right now."

"As soon as we're able," He responded. "We might make the mountain pass by noon if we hurry. Have Ruki help you pack up; We'll leave right away."


They took down the tents in a flurry of but minutes and packed up the camp so they could leave. But Ruki, seemingly over his pouting episode, wanted to share a horse with Akira so the other one could have a break. He insisted heavily on sitting in front of him so Akira's arms could go around his waist and he could walk the horse properly.

"We don't need to fly; it isn't that long a distance from here and it's easier to navigate. And the horses could use the... break...Akira, are you doing okay over there?"

Ruki was snuggling and grinding up to him and just being an overall major distraction. The blonde tried to make himself more comfortable But Ruki would shift all around in his hold and make it more difficult.

"I'm... Okay," he said in a strained voice when Ruki groped at his thigh. "Um, we just- Ruki, stop that I am trying to concentrate- We just have to get better situated here is all. Don't worry about us."

Yutaka was going to agree, but he saw Ruki squirming about more and more in Akira's hold that he had more reason to doubt that. Why on Earth was Ruki acting like such a... Horny teenager? He could practically smell the pheromones rolling off of him in waves, and all directed straight at Akira. The human of course, was just trying to ignore his advances for the sake of the mission. Yutaka had to commend him for his efforts, Ruki was so sensual now that he was different. Yutaka could observe a change in his voice aside from the physical features, a slightly deeper tone than before. It was deep and strangely alluring. At this point he wasn't sure how they weren't already official with how much Ruki was flirting around. Or were they already? He hadn't even realized.

Yutaka continued silently observing when they drifted in front of him. Ruki would continue on like this at the unheard protests of Akira. As the silence grew thicker he had some more time to himself to think, to make sense of this whole thing.

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