Chapter 14 - We can Never Be

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It had been such an eventful day.

The villagers were kind enough to lend them a wagon, which they tied to the horses, extra food, big pots with lids for water storage and a bunch of thick fluffy blankets for when they passed through the mountains. Akira gladly took up the offer to have some vanilla cookies that some little imp girls made, and he was sure that Ruki would enjoy them. This would be his apology for earlier for being such an insensitive ass.

I hope he likes them, he thought hopefully. He wasn't sure what he would do if Ruki continued to hold that against him. He sat in the back of the wagon with the packs off the horses and the blankets all in a pile around him and one pooled around his legs. Sure it may feel hot now, but he was certain this heat will be welcome once they go further. Ruki would probably complain about it as well, of that he had no doubt.

Yutaka sat in the driver seat of the wagon with the reins in his hands to skilfully steer the horses. He was so secretive about his talents, he was seriously wondering what other things he could do that he wasn't mentioning.

"Since when could you drive?" He asked. Yutaka shrugged his shoulders.

"A couple hundred years ago," he answered nonchalantly. "It's no big deal."

"Yeah, a couple hundred is no big deal," Akira scoffed playfully. "That's only ten times my entire life span. Where's Ruki anyway, shouldn't he be around here somewhere?"

There was a big clump of trees where he last saw Ruki disappear to with the horse, which was tied to one of them and waiting impatiently. Yutaka pulls to a stop so he can untie it from the tree and attaches its reins to the side of the wagon so it could walk alongside them. There was no room for a third horse in the front.

"He should be," Yutaka assures and calls for the third person of their little party. "Ruki! Are you still here? We're ready to go. Ruki?"

Akira yelped in surprise when his 'lover' jumped down from the trees over their heads right into the carriage.

"Stop yelling I am right here," he complained. "So noisy..."

"Well sorry," Yutaka giggles but Akira could see it was strained. "We're ready to head out now if you are?"

"Of course, let's get out of here," He agrees and sits himself next to Akira, smiling. "Where'd you score this sweet ass wagon? Mooch it off the villagers or somethin'?"

Akira could tell right away that his mood was indeed improved from last time and he sighs in relief. That gives Yutaka the incentive to keep the horses going at a good pace, leaving the patch of trees behind.

"No," Akira says with a small chuckle. "They just gave it to us, and all this other stuff too. Here, for you. I'm sorry about earlier also."

He holds out the pouch full of cookies to Ruki in hopes of being forgiven. The imp cautiously takes it and peers inside, his face changing from caution to delight.

"Ooh, you guys really did score," he cackled and nudged himself closer to Akira. "It's okay, I already forgave you a while ago. Just don't do it again okay? Now shut up and give me a kiss as your apology."

Ruki pulled him in before he could answer and planted a cute sweet kiss to his mouth and grins. Akira just couldn't help but feel relieved that Ruki wasn't planning on being the evil little thing he had shown himself to be and was willing to accept his mistake. Plus he loked extremely cute as he ate his sweets with small crumbs falling on his lap now and again.

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