Chapter 5 - Interior Decoration

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"SO let me get his straight," Akira huffed while he trailed through the forest after Ruki. "Trolls are part of the fairy family too?"

"Were a part," Ruki corrects. "Honestly Aki, haven't you been listening? Jeez... They were completely mutated from twisted and dark power so now they belong to the goblin family."

"Well gosh it is not my fault that you talk so damn fast..."

"Oh just shut it will you?"

After a while of walking squabbling they finally reached a small hut in the forest surrounded by birch trees and huge towering ferns. The outside was all stone bricks with a tinge of red. There was somewhat of a chimney attatched to the side of the house and he could make out a few vine covered windows. Astonished Akira follows his host through a plain wooden door and is greeted with warmth and a cozy feeling atmosphere. There was already a fire in the fireplace and a few candles were lit to give light. Theres a wooden couch frame just in front of the fireplace with velvety red cushions set into it for comfortable sitting and a coffee table just to the side.

Being in this sort of inviting environment made Akira's chest ache a little bit. It sort of reminded him of home.

"Wow Ruki-chan. Your place is... Really neat and tidy."

Akira would have said more but feeding an ego as big as Ruki's was certainly too easy, and he did not want to overinflate it any more. Even so the imp was grinning with pride as he took in the sight of his home.

"Impressed? You should be. This place is my own personal safe haven when I want to be alone. Plus I am sort of a whiz at interior decoration."

They both stood there admiring the same painting of a tree placed right above the fireplace. After a while Akira takes a seat on the soft couch and is surprised that it was able to hold him up.

"I was expecting this thing to fall apart under my weight, but I suppose not," he joked and leaned back. Ruki scoffs and slaps at Akira's head lightly before sitting at the other end of the couch.

"What? No way. There's no way a hundred year old vintage set like this could fall apart so easily. And just for that you're sleeping here tonight."

"Hmph fine. I'd probably be a blanket hog anyways..."

Ruki resists his urge to laugh and sticks his nose up in the air. Akira couldn't stop his usual thoughts of the other's overwhelming cuteness. Though that was something he knew he would get slapped for if said out loud.

"Since we aren't going to leave until morning, how about you help me make sure the house is okay?" Ruki suggested. "Be a big strong man for me and go get some wood. There's a pile of it already chopped and just outside in the back."

At the mention of being a man Akira made a small half smile before scooting closer to Ruki, their noses almost touching.

"You know. It's almost like we are newlyweds or something. And you are the lovely little wife who is married to me, the caring and doting husband..."

With his face all red, Ruki tried to scoot away to make room.

"I-idiot," he grumbles. "You're more like an ex-boyfriend or something... Just shut up and do it already."

Gosh he was so adorable when he was trying to be mad, and Akira tried with all his might to not just kiss him right then and there. Instead he gently blew at Ruki's ear. Ruki shivered and almost got a swipe to Akira's head again but he narrowly missed just as he was standing up.

"Okay okay I am going!" He laughs and puts up his hands. "Jeez, you're so bossy just like a real wife."

Ruki couldn't stand Akira's teasing sometimes, but that's what teenagers were like he guessed. As if he would really know what human teenagers were like anyway...

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