Chapter 4 - In-Laws!!!

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Chp 4 is here yaaaay v^w^v It was half finished when wi-fi came back so I decided to finish it up tehehe


Normal POV

To say it was awkward would have been an agonizing understatement. Sharp daggers were cutting into Aoi's very soul, slicing his confidence into tiny bits and pieces. And those daggers happened to be coming from none other... Than his Mother in Law. From her eyes to be exact. Though his Father in Law was much more cheerful this time around which seemed unusual. Uruha was currently holding his hand as they greeted them in the main chamber, and it could have gone... Much better in his opinion. He was late getting here, so unbecoming of a Fae ruler.

"Mother. Father," Uruha began and ran forward to greet them first with graceful bows, and then hugs. "I'm so happy to see you!"

Aoi saw his mother's eyes warm up as she embraced her son lovingly but when they once more fell upon him they rehardened once again. He clears his throat and greets his In laws politely, bowing low in front of them.

"Your Graces," He murmurs softly. "Welcome to our home..."

His father in law was much more curteous with him than his wife was, opting for just as respectful bows and greetings. He also noticed that they both spoke in distinctly scottish accents, most unusual.

There must have been something that Uruha said to him so he would be nicer. Aoi gripped the other's hand in his own and they smiled at one another.

"It's good to see you again, my dear boy," the Old King said. Old, but not really a day older since they last met. Uruha's father could have easily passed for simply being a young adult, not even showing signs of wrinkling. His mother was the same way. "I trust you have been well since we last met?"

"Yes I have," Aoi says. "And yourself, sir?"

"Tch," the man tsked and pats his hand, a twinkling in his eyes as he spoke. "Do not call me sir in your own Kingdom dear boy. It's bad luck you know. But I am well as I am."

"That's great, um, my Lord. You don't look a day older."

"Though that may seem true, time has not been kind to my health lately. My age is finally starting to do me in."

"But... Don't Fae live forever?" Aoi asked. "And not grow old?"

"Aye that we do boy," His father in law sighed. "That we do. And it is also true that any sign of being old does not show on our bodies. However... the soul is different. Souls are very pure, powerful but fragile things you see. Not even a soul cannot best time. While we may seem indefinite on the outside, our souls can only withstand so much of being away from home. In time, every Fae I have ever known or heard of has eventually chosen to live with the Gods again. And it is only a matter of time before I may do the same."

Aoi nodded slowly, the explanation helping him to understand. He looked over at Uruha to find his mother fussing over him, checking his hair, his face and his body to make sure he was all right. And all the while ha had a look of frustration but fondness on his face. That's how mothers were.

"Uruha," he called. "Shall we show them to their quarters first? Or..?"

"Yes, let's do that," his lover agrees and pries his mother's fawning hands off his waist. "I am sure their luggage must be very tiring to carry."

Aoi and Uruha helpd the two carry what bags they had brought with them up the main tower and into the guest room hallway. All the while, Aoi couls still feel the murderous eyes of his mother in law crushing down on him.

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