Chapter 3 - That escalated Quickly

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Fast Travel to The Underground – Uruha and Aoi's Palace

An empty palace welcomed the four travelers back to their home, excluding the one human of course. Akira rubbed at the still sore skin of his face before looking around the castle's main hall where they blinked to. It was all very impressive, and in a way very familiar. He could see vague images of Uruha's figure sitting in the throne just close by and the many goblins that had danced around him but were now nowhere to be seen.

“So this is the place Uru-san held me captive all those years ago huh? Impressive.”

“Oh hush Aki,” Aoi says. “We still need to get you ready for your journey you know. I can't risk letting Uruha's parents know that you are here ahead of time.”

“Why not? It's not like he is of any threat to us or this world.” Ruki asked. Uruha shakes his head.

“That's exactly why,” he says. “Father is dead set against any sort of mortal that comes down here. Hell I had a hard time convincing him that Aoi was the one I wanted to be with and not a random strumpet from some Kingdom I never even heard of. It wasn't until after Aoi became one of us that he finally left us alone.”

Akira frowned and looked at his brother.

“What's his problem with humans anyway?”

“A long time ago, father met and fell in love with a human woman. They were happy and loved each other very much. They spent more and more time together, and he grew to trust her enough to tell her our secret. She wasn't very supportive of him telling him and called him crazy, and then she left him. From then on he has distrusted humans because he believes them to be nothing more than decietful and faithless heathens who were not to be trusted. That is why he can't know you are here with us.”

Certainly it put things into perspective for Akira and he didn't want to question it anymore. He knew what is was like to be called out as crazy. It really wasn't pleasant. Besides, Uruha's father sounds like someone he really did not want to tangle with.

“I understand. So when should we go? Right away?”

Ruki didn't understand why he didn't want to stay and get accustomed to the place first...

“Akira why don't we stick around a bit, let your... Human body get used to the atmosphere down here.”

Aoi looked at his friend strangely, noticing the way he almost pleaded for Akira to stay longer. Only a moment ago he was bickering with Akira for being a pervert.

“Well maybe that would be best,” Uruha agreed. “Going into neutral territory unprepared and without guidance is a fool's errand. It would be best if you grew used to they way we do things here first. Perhaps you two can set off in the morning.”

Akira didn't argue, because he saw relief on Ruki's face. The little imp was hiding something wasn't he? Other than a shapely behind of course.

“I suppose staying would not hurt,” he finally concedes. “Gives me some time to get to know the place. Though I don't much care for the area where my brother lost his virginity.”

Uruha flushed deeper than what would have been healthy and he looked away, all the while trying to make Aoi stop smirking like a madman.

“Whatever,” he mumbles. “Come with me Akira, I'll show you to your room for the moment being.”

“And I'll tidy up the place a little bit before your parents arrive, Uru,” Aoi says. “I'll be up in a moment.”

Uruha and Aoi kissed before they headed off.

The Way It's Done - YCM Sequel (BoyXBoy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu