Chapter 2

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I was really wishing I had a map at the moment. I'm stupid I know I am. I get a map, throw it away because of a tantrum. Whoever said men could read maps lied. I'm stupid. Or maybe I'm just not a man. Let's not have this discussion right now brain.

It was getting way to dark and I was starting to stress out. I hadn't hit a town in hours. So I wasn't sure what I was suppose to do. I was surrounded but basically nothing but trees here and there.

I haven't gotten a ride since that one lady almost two weeks ago. I looked back to the sun setting before continuing to walk away from it. Cars passed as I steered my way farther from the road scared some driver won't see me in the moon lit night and boom dead.

A few more cars go by probably rushing home to their families, pets, or just there bed. I smiled imagining me with something like that. I don't even know what I like more. Like a cat or dog? Maybe I would be a fish person.

Headlights came closer and I looked around to find I had ventured closer to the road again. Stepping back onto the grass. I listen to the tires slowing down. I don't turn around, but wait not wanting to get my hopes up.

The driver crawls to a complete stop next to me and that's when I stop. Looking into the window. He rolls it down the slightest bit being cautious, which I respect.

"Hey do you need a ride somewhere?" He asked. "Well- usually I just say I'm not going anywhere in particular but at the moment I'm just trying to make it into a town so I can find a place to sleep for the night" I explain and he nods.

"Yeah so would you like me to just drop you off in the next town?" He asked and I shrug. "Wherever you want, I'm just grateful you're doing this?" I say and he nods. Taking a deep breath he presses a button and the door to his blazer unlocks.

"Well hop in" he chuckles and I open the door putting my bag by my feet before closing the door and buckling up. "Thank you for this" I say again and he nods. "Yeah" he answers and I look over to him before the lights dimmed.

He was darker than me and his hair was a lighter brown. It hung over the side of his face as he constantly tried to sweep it out of his eyes. His eyes were an extremely dark green. He was attractive that was for sure. Strong looking, and tall. Not taller than me.

He pulls forward and I go to staring out the window. "So what's your name?" He asks and I continue to watch the view pass by quickly. "Colton Benally" I say quickly before looking over to him. "And you?" I ask as he taps his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Andreas Acker" he replies hesitantly and I nod. "I really like that name" I admit looking over at him. "Thanks... I'm sorry I just never do this. I've never done this before" he laughs awkwardly and I nod once again.

"Well why did you do it now?" I ask and he takes a deep breath. "I- I have no idea" he replies.  "Usually I'm picked up by cougars so this is way more relaxing" I try to make him feel better.

"Oh really? That sucks" he answers and I nod. "Those women aren't afraid to grab anything" I laugh and he joins. "Well how old are you?" He asks the next question everyone asked. "Just turned twenty, you?" I asked and he nodded. "Twenty-six" he smiles and I nod.

"So why are you traveling?" He asks another one of the big questions. "In the least cringest way possible, I've just been traveling back and forth from easy to coast. I go back to my parents for a few days and then do it all over again. I was planning to do it until I found myself a permanent home. I just don't want to be alone, if I'm going to be alone I might as well travel" I try to explain looking over to him again.

"Well your parents must miss you a lot only seeing you a few days" he says and I nod licking my bottom lip. "Yeah it's hard, I miss them a lot too" I chuckle. "Well if it makes you feel better I've got no where either. My parents kind of just left, gave all of my siblings and me some things and after that we never spoke again. My family was the type that never got along with one another... and I don't know why I'm telling this to a stranger" he shuts himself up.

"Well I mean you can tell me whatever you want because I'm never going to see you again, so after this you won't have to worry about any awkward encounters" I encourage him as the lights of a town come into view.

"So am I just dropping you off at a motel, or a hotel?" He asks and I shake my head. "This may sound weird but just like a park or something like that" I explain and he slows the car down moving into a parking lot.

"I can't just let you sleep outside, you're heading East, correct? I still have a long drive till I get home- why don't you just sleep here. I mean- god I suck at this. The back of my truck- the bed. I've got blankets back there for when I sleep" he tries to explain as I look forward thinking this over.

"Well... just don't murder me- please" I joke and he nods getting out of the car. I follow taking my bag with me. Andreas opens the the back window and pulls down the trunk, opening it for me.

"Go ahead and get comfortable. I'll have the middle window open so you can talk to me if you need to" he says and I nod moving my backpack towards the middle to use as a pillow.

I pull my shoes off and he watches me get into my bag for new clothes. "Sorry- um. I'm going to start driving" he mumbles putting the trunk back up and closing the top window.

He hops back into drivers side and slides open the window as I pull off my shirt, cursing silently at my twig ass self. I need to workout or something. Pulling on a sweatshirt, I move onto my pants grabbing my hobo sweats, with the few holes in them.

I finish getting those on as he pulls out of the parking lot. "Thank you Andreas" I call through the window and I can see him smile through the mirror. "You're welcome" he yawns.

I lay down on my bag of a pillow and pull one of the blankets over me. I'm basically getting kidnapped right now. I chuckle quietly to myself closing my eyes.

It was a little bumpy but the humming and the noises outside were kind of comforting. I fell asleep for a bit and woke up not long after to see it still pitch black.

I sit up and lean against the window seeing Andreas about dozing off. He yawned and rubbed his eyes as we passed a few more building he yawned again and I finally got over my fear of scaring the crap out of him and spoke up.

"Hey Andreas?" I call quietly and he jolts awake putting a hand to his heart. "Shi- in the nicest way possible I forgot you were back there" he cries out and I let out a tired laugh.

"You're exhausted, why don't you get some sleep. I can move to the front or if it makes you feel better- I got a decent amount of sleep I'll just start walking" I tell him and he rubs his eyes again.

"You've been alseep for thirty minutes max that's not decent, I think I can-" he yawns again and sighs. "I'll just pull into a parking lot and come sleep back there with you- if that doesn't make you uncomfortable" he stops what he was saying to ask me.

"That's fine" I tell him and both of us start looking for good parking lots. We found a pretty big empty one, and he pulled into the corner before shutting the engine off.

He crawls into the back with me before locking the doors and I move over to the side laying on a blanket while pulling out the smaller blanket from my bag covering my shoulders.

"Hey we can share the blanket, it's going to get cold" he grabs my shoulder and I turn to look at him again. "I just don't want you getting uncomfortable if I get to close" I whisper and he shakes his head holding the blanket open for me.

I got underneath the warmth and both Andreas and I stared at each other for a minute before I turned to the other side not wanting to face him.

"Night, thank you again"

"Night Colton"

He's so trusting what if I'm psychotic... I don't even care I'm tired.

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