Chapter 49

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Andreas had the window open, the one connecting the bed and the front of the blazer. I was sitting in the back with a very rambunctious puppy. "Isn't Andreas such a meanie, I can't believe he sent us back here" I whine to the pup who was getting ready to pounce.

"Hey! I can hear you! You offered to go play with the puppy!" He completely lies. For sure lying. "Don't listen to the old man Walker. He doesn't know what he's talking about... he's just grumpy" I murmur as the puppy just yips at me running around freely in the back.

"Turn" Andreas warns me and I grab the little thing as Andreas tries to take the turn lightly. Once we're going straight again I set Walker down and he goes back to running around and sniffing everything.

"I miss you" I coo through the open window. "Mhmm sure. You were just talking shit about me  a few seconds ago" he reminds me, but I shrug. "I've got about half a tank- want to stop and fill up? We can give Walker some play time and you can have a break?" He calls not looking back.

"Fine by me" I reply running my hand over the fluffy white dog. "How long do you think it will be?" I ask seeing his eyes flicker to the mirror to look at me.

"It's just down the road a ways- few minutes" he estimates and I nod moving around to the dog stuff. "Come here Walker" I murmur making sure his collar is on.

I grab his bowl and grab the bag of puppy chow before searching for a new water bottle. I just opened the new case of them as we were pulling into the gas station. Andreas pulls up to a pump and turns the car off before getting out and coming to the back to let us out.

"Hello handsome" I smirk sliding out being followed by the little fluffball. "Nope you were talking shit about me" he reminds me and I smile kissing the top of his head. "Sorry- thought you wouldn't be able to hear it old man" I joke getting an eye roll.

Grabbing the puppy in one hand I walk us over to the grass before putting some food in the bowl followed by the water to soften it. I did lots of research and that's what it said to do. He seems to enjoy it.

I watch Andreas pump the gas and curse under my breath. The man makes everything look hot. Laughing I look back down at the puppy who was acting like he had never eaten before. Even though I fed him three hours ago.

His fluffy white fur was soaking wet and all I could smell was the puppy chow. He danced around the bowl not staying in once spot but his snout wasn't leaving the bowl.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Andreas hoping back into the blazer. The man goes and parks into a spot before leaving and locking the blazer heading over to us.

"Here comes dad" I chuckle and the puppy looks up and yips before going back to finish his food. I smile and stand keeping an eye on the white fluffy thing while heading towards Andreas. He gives me a quick kiss before we both stand by the pup just watching him eat.

"This is creepy... we are creepy" Andreas whispers and I nod but continue to look at the puppy. Once he finishes up his food I lift him up and over to the grass. Making him hop around as Andreas and I sit.

He had his phone out take pictures of Walker before turing and aiming the camera at me. "Focus on the cute thing" I shout trying to swat him away. "Oh- well then let me zoom in" he chuckles and I roll my eyes.

We had to wait for Walker to do his business. Since he was a puppy he couldn't really control it so we sat there for about ten minutes. Watching him run and smell everything.

He laid on my shoe for a bit before suddenly getting up and chasing after a bug of some sort. Only after the bug had flown to high for him did he stop and waddle over to a spot he deemed good enough for him.

I looked away giving the puppy his privacy and ran my hand down Andreas's arm making him look at me. "I love you" I whisper and he nods scooting closer. "I love you too" he mumbles kissing my cheek.

"Kyan texted you back-" he suddenly remembers pulling out his phone. I jump a little unlocking the phone and going to the messages. "It's a girl!" I shout and he nods as I start to text him back congratulating the two.

Beck and Abby were going to move in with the three boys and they would soon turn my room into the nursery. I immediately offered it too them. Kyan and Abby were actually dating now and Abby was three months along.

It was funny FaceTiming Abigail because Kyan would be in the background scrambling around trying to make everything perfect. You could tell they were in love though just from how they looked at each other.

"Walker! Hey Walker!" Andreas shouts taking me out of my thoughts. I look up to the puppy looking back at us near the parking lot. Standing I take slow steps not wanting him to run into the parking lot.

"Come on Walker" I call for him and he turns completely towards us. "Walker come on bud" I call to the tiny thing. He was overall a really good puppy. He responds to his name already and he listens to us well.

He gives us a small yip before spinning and running over. Jumping up onto Andreas wagging his tail trying to reach his face. Andreas smiles petting his back. "No going into the parking lot pups" he chuckles patting him. We just received another yip and I continued over to grab Walkers leash, food bowl, and other little necessities.

"Ready to go?" I ask looking back at the two. Andreas was playing with Walker attacking him with his hand and the puppy was running around and running into him trying to win.

"Oh- yeah" he stops and scoops the puppy up walking over to me. Both of us head to the blazer and he opens the back for me. Taking a water bottle I clean out his food bowl and store it in the back with the rest of his stuff.

Closing it up, I hop into the passenger side and Walker climbs his way over the console and hops into my lap. Smiling I pet his head and he looks at Andreas waiting for him to start the blazer.

Once Andreas does he turns the radio down and I put the seat back a bit and hold Walker close to me. He does a few more turns before nuzzling into my side with another yawn.

I rub his ears and he wags his tail hitting my stomach with it lightly. I struggle to buckle with one hand and Andreas hands me his phone when I'm done letting me text Kyan back again.

My boyfriend backs out of the spot and we're on our way back to his hosue- well I guess our house. Can I say that? I feel like it's too much. Walkers tailed slowed down before suddenly stopping meaning he had fallen asleep.

"Make sure he doesn't sleep that long- I want to be able to sleep tonight" he laughs rubbing his eyes. I nod looking at the time. "I'll give him twenty minutes" I whisper going back to texting with my one hand awkwardly my other just resting on Walker.

I eventually moved it because I knew he would over heat. He was our small furry baby. Very furry. "Here I got you some chocolate milk" he reaches back and digs into a bag before pulling it out for me. I grab it eyeing him suspiciously. "Why?" I whisper and he chuckles trying to stop smiling.

"Because I wanted too, and I know you like it" he tells me and I shrug opening it to take a drink. Closing it afterwards I put in in the cup holder and look over at him. "Thank you" I hum and put my hand on the console waiting for him to grab mine.

"You're welcome" he flicks his eyes over to look before giving me his hand. I squeeze it before just staring. He is so attractive and I really just love him. "Am I getting a pout or a glare?" He sighs and I shake my head.

"Neither" I answer and he looks over to me and back at the road merging onto the freeway. "You say that every time-" he cuts himself off really looking at me for a minute before smiling and looking forward.

"What?" I ask almost hearing the smile in my voice. "So what's the look you're giving me?" He asks and I sit up shaking my head.

"Just falling more in love with you"

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