Chapter 12

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"Weird question?" I mumble looking out the window my eyes wide trying to understand how there could be so many flowers. "Yeah kid?" He asked slowing down a bit.

I take another quick look around, making sure we wouldn't get in anybody's way. "Can we pull over?" I look back to him and he slows down to a stop, in the grass.

"Is your back hurting? Can I go find a parking lot? We can walk around a bit or you can go lay down and I can massage it?" He pesters me with questions already such a worry wart.

"I'm fine- I want to go run in the flowers" I admit looking back out to the big field of blue. "You're crazy- do you even know what flowers they are? What if your allergic" he tries to talk me out of it.

"Larkspur my moms favorite flowers she likes the purple ones though. She'd loved it here" I whisper the last part touching the window. "I'm sorry I don't know why I thought it was a good idea" I chuckle shaking my head.

I look up surprised when he turns off the blazer and unbuckles. "Why don't you bring your mother sometime or to one closer. I'm sure she would have so much fun" he chuckles opening his door.

I open my door with a smile. "If I could I would" I admit my brain going off into a different idea. An arm is wrapped around me before his lips are being pressed against my cheek. "What's going through that mind of yours?" He asks and I snap out of it. Staring at the flowers happily.

"Will you run with me?" I ask ignoring him. "I'm old though" he uses the same excuse that isn't even true. "Pleaseeeee" I beg and he gives in. "Kiss" he tells me and I nod kissing him quickly.

I take his hand and run pulling him with me. I laughed while the flowers brushed up against my thighs. "Watch you get us in trouble" he laughs and I nod laughing as well. Once we got a few hundred feet in I just stopped laying down. Letting go of my boyfriend.

I take a deep breath enjoying the scent before sitting up. Immediately there's a flash followed by some cussing. "What was that for?" I asked and he smiles taking another.

"Pictures for your mom" he laughs and my smile drops. "My dad says that a lot" I quickly run a hand through my shaggy hair and Andreas joins me on the ground. "Maybe I just want pictures of you as well" he admits and I smile letting him go in between my legs to reach my lips.

"Mmm I love kissing you" he murmurs giving me another quick peck. "I know it's hard since we're in a truck together but you've got to tell me when I need to give you some space" he continues and I lean forward kissing him, initiating it this time.

"I don't ever want space" I joke and he nods peppering my face in kisses. "Don't say that or I may kiss you forever" he hums looking to my lips again. "Take a picture it'll last longer" I smirk.

Andreas takes his phone flipping it onto his camera before smashing his lips back onto mine. I stayed shock before finally kissing back opening my eyes after a flash.

"You actually took a picture!?!" I laugh pushing him back jokingly. He frantically falls onto his back and goes through his phone. "Best advice you've given me" he ignores me as I roll my eyes.

"Let's go now before we get caught" he grunts sitting up. I quickly use him as help to get up pushing him down. "Hurry it up old man" I taunt getting a look from him.

"I'm twenty six" he reminds me and I click my tongue. "Not even ten minutes ago you said I'm to old for this" I mock him once again getting a stare. "Good to know you're into older men then" he shoots back as I grab his hand pulling him up.

"Yeah I like them a whole six years older" I mumble grabbing his hips he smiles grabbing mine. "That works perfectly because I like them six years younger" Andreas jokes back causing us both to laugh.

"We're so stupid" I shake my head and he nods wiping his eyes. "Yeah we are" he agrees as both of us stumble our way back to the road. "Imagine if people actually flirted like that though" he chuckles and I look over at him curious.

"No- like imagine. Somebody walks up to you and then they find out your age and all of a sudden they're like... ooo you're twenty three how sexy I'm so attracted to people that are twenty three" he rubs himself against my shoulder as I covered my mouth to hold in a laugh.

"What happens when they aren't twenty three though!?" I ask edging him on, just wanting to see him continue to say stupid things. He was fun when he wanted to be.

"I guess they get dumped. Have to find a person that will date them when they are twenty four-" I interrupt him coughing as I continue to try and hold my laugh in.

"Imagine you've got like a list and people sign up for you. So when you're twenty three you date this person and then on your birthday- you would switch out" I fumble with my words as he smiles chuckling to himself.

"That would be so unfair to the other person who's just switching partners every year- do they also get to pick age like how would that work!?" He asks our conversation now confusing us both.

"Just don't dump me on my birthday and I won't dump you on yours, how about that?" He asks and I nod smiling wide. "Sounds perfect" I tell him getting a smile.

"Hey kid... I'll be right there... can you start the blazer and plug my phone in" he gets distracted and hands me the keys and his phone. I nod running up the small hill and hoping into the passenger side.

I happily start the car and plug his phone in before buckling up. I hope this puts him in a good mood today. He's always so fun in a good mood. When he's not in a good mood he just seems bored I've seen a few of those days now. He always tells me he doesn't mean to, but he just seems so uninterested.

I look out the window to see him jogging up the small hill his hands behind his back making the run awkward. "What is he doing?" I shake my head not understanding.

He goes around front hopping in before handing me a single larkspur flower. "Purple your moms favorite" he tells me closing hsi door. "Where- where did you find it" I choke out looking to the field making sure I had saw blue and not purple.

"There was a little spot with a few purple ones and I thought you would like it" he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. I start to tear up looking at it. She would love it. She would love him. I think she would be proud of me for what I'm doing. I miss her so much.

"Thank you" I whisper leaning over to hug him. "Hey of course. Are you okay? Did I do something?" He asks getting a closer look at my face. "I'm okay I guess it's childish but I still miss my parents" I laugh sadly but he shakes his head.

"You guys had a close bond it's okay to miss them and I would say go ahead and start walking to them but since I'm your boyfriend now I can't just let you walk all the way there, I'll try to make my work quick, okay?" He assures me and I nod.

"Okay, thank you again" I nod and he gives me another smirk before starting the car back up. I twirl the stem between my fingers just staring at it amazed for some reason while he buckled up.

I know it will eventually die. I guess all things do. Some sooner than they should have but... for some weird reason. The thought of this flower dying killed me more than others.

I know I'm over thinking things but I wish I could bring it to mom. "My dad use to bring her these flowers every year on her anniversary. He'd get her this color but on her birthday he would purposely screw up the color determined to make her like one more than purple" I tell him another one of my parents boring love stories as he nods smiling along.

"They sound so in love, I wish all couples were like that" he lays back against his seat relaxing. "I usually try to bring them flowers when I see them" I nod laying the larkspur across my lap.

"I hope this doesn't offend you in anyway but your family is perfect"

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