Chapter 36

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⚠️Warning Racism⚠️

"I'm not singing" he laughs as I record him on his phone. "You were just yelling the lyrics" I chuckle and he shakes his head. "You have no proof" he smirks and I roll my eyes zooming in on him a bit more the bumpy road just making the camera go everywhere.

"I can't believe you know this song" I laugh and he leans over to smack me across the arm. "You missed" I hum and he scoffs. "I'm trying to drive safe" I dodged again, the phone still recording all of this.

"Okay I guess I'll sing it by myself" I watch his ears perked up and he smiles. "I will possibly sing it with you even though I don't know the song just if you start" he fumbles with words and I nod smiling wide. It was dark out and the radio was loud the feeling was just there.

"I love it when she calls my phone! She even got her very own ringtone. If that ain't love then I don't know what love is" I mostly just shout.

"It's gonna be a long drive home but I know as soon as I arrive home- And I open the door take off my coat and throw my bag on the floor... She'll be back into my arms once more for sure!" He joins me for that part and I go quiet letting him do the next lines.

"Take a look at my girlfriend- She's the only one I got! Not much of a girlfriend- I never seem to get a lot" he laughs through it and shuts up when he sees I wasn't singing with him.

"You're still recording- no I thought you put the phone down!" He shouts reaching over and trying to slap it down. I continue to record him and he shakes his head. Just continuing to smile and shrug his shoulders to the beat.

The mood is killed as a siren blares and blue and red lights flash behind us. "What the fuck!?" Andreas curses and I look back before setting the phone down on my lap. He slows down and pulls over onto the side of the road.

"Is it me? I didn't do anything wrong did I?" He asks looking over his car. "Headlights, I was in my lane. I think everything is up to date. I wasn't going over the speed limit. I always drive slower when it's dark. Not that slow" he starts to rambles trying to figure out himself.

The police car pulls over behind us and the siren goes off as well as the light. The officer turns on his brights before he steps out of the car and make his way over. "Get me my wallet please kid" he nudged me and I nod grabbing everything out of the dashboard.

The guy knocks on Andreas's window and he lowers the volume completely before rolling the window down. "Is there a problem officer?" He starts polite- so it can't go that bad.

"Tch, do you know how fast you were going" he asks and I look over shocked.  "I'm sorry officer but I wasn't-" he just stops making the guy look up and he grabs at his holster freaking us both out. "Turn on your light so I can see who you have with you" the guy yells and Andreas squeezes my hand before letting go and turning on the car light. I cringe at the brightness but the officer nods when he sees me.

"Just have to make sure with his kind, am I right?" he chuckles mostly talking to me. "My kind- what is that suppose to mean!?" Andreas sits up blocking me from the officer's view. "It means your kind don't belong out here" He laughs leaning into the window.

"Listen that's not okay, just tell me what I did and let me go on with my night" Andreas spits out as I reach over grabbing his hand. "You're here with this guy willingly right? You know how they grow up in the hood and all" he ignores Andreas looking over at me.

"No I'm fine I want to be here- we really need to get going though" I try to help in some way. "Leave him alone- tell me what I did" he gets in the way again trying to force the guy out of his car.

"You black people always so angry and aggressive" he sighs pulling out his notepad. "You were going way over the speed limit. It's dark you could have easily misjudged and kill yourself or someone else" he tells Andreas who doesn't even flinch his hand squeezing mine the other on his knee.

"Sir I can assure you I was not going over the speed limit" Andreas chuckles trying to hold his anger in. He ignores Andreas starting to write stuff down on his notepad.

"You have to pay this by tomorrow" he signs something before ripping it out and handing it to my boyfriend. "Four hundred dollars- are you fucking serious!?" Andreas shouts and I look down shaking my head.

"Hey you" the officer gets my attention and I look up and over to him. "Why don't you come back to the station with me- I just need to make sure this man isn't hurting you" he makes up some bullshit.

"I'm fine, I want to stay here with him" I tell him straight but he shakes his head. "I know he may be scaring you it might be embarrassing knowing that someone your age can also be in trouble, but come with me and your friend here can go on his way. No ticket and no jail time for holding you hostage. I'm able to send out a search party for you right-" the officer starts to make shit up and I look to him my heart breaking. He's doing all of this because of Andreas's race. What- why...

"Leave him the fuck alone- I'll pay your ticket I'll go stay the night in jail he's with me willingly you don't need to start any of this shit..." he continued to curse and yell losing his shit as I unbuckle opening my door.

"Kid- Colton" Andreas yells for me but I just go around the front and over to the officer. "You don't have to pay the ticket now, and you can go back home. Thanks for it all" I smile leaning into the window.

"Get your ass back in this car" he tells me and I roll my eyes. "Stop being so demanding dad" I laugh and his hard face breaks for a second before immediately hardening again.

"I love you" I whisper and he nods reaching out to grab me. "I love you too- Colt just get back in the car" he pleads and I shake my head giving him a small kiss. The officer grabs my arms and I'm pulled back to his car.

"Colton! I'll come get you. I'll find us a way out of this!" Andreas yells and I laugh but shake my head. I'm forced into the passenger side and the police officer gets in the other side clicking his tongue. "Those kind never keep their promises" he sighs and I look over at him shocked.

This racist son of a bitch. I think over all of the ways I can hurt him. We drive past the blazer and I look out the window to see him having a complete breakdown. Angrily hitting the steering wheel and yelling.

"Wait- he's really upset can I go back and calm him first. Please he has-" I cut myself off not wanting to tell the officer his weakness. "He- please I need to make sure he's okay- it will be real quick" I beg but the guy just shakes his head.

"We will be at the station soon" he sighs and I throw my arms up. "Then what!? What happens when I get to the station?!" I yell and he immediately shuts me down.

"I have your friend's license plate written down everything he showed me is now in my little note pad here. You are going to be a good assistant for me. I just happen to get lucky finding someone as vulnerable as you with a black" he laughs as I look to the guy with absolute fear. He's sick.

"His name is Andreas- I'm sure you wrote that down though. He's also Latino not just African American" I tell the officer crossing my arms. "He's a black. A bad example, druggy who will get nowhere in life" he doesn't listen to anything I just said.

"I have dark skin too-" I try to find someway out of it. "You are tan. He is black actually black. Those people. The person you were just with. They are rapist. They steal. They hurt others. They hurt themselves they are crazy" he goes off and I claw at the seat purposely trying to tear it up.

"Every race does those sort of thing, for example you- you are a shitty person. You do not deserve to be a cop" I grit my teeth.

"A shitty person who controls you now"

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