Chapter 13

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"So is everyone on your construction team as hot as you" I ask leaning onto the compartment in between us. "You're allowed to say just kidding now" he jokes and I chuckle but nod. "I'm just kidding- better?" I ask and he nods before looking over at me.

"I'm not letting you meet them now" he teases and I shrug. "It's fine. I already got the one I want" I attempt to stretch my legs a bit, cursing my tallness.

"You just want me to let you meet them" he sees right past my flirting. "Are we almost there?" I change the subject. "One more day kid" he tells me and I nod just resting my elbows in between us.

I put my chin into my hands watching him with squinted eyes. "Colt?" He asks and I stop my squinting. "That's a new one" I laugh and he nods looking over at me for a second.

"Is Colt okay?" He asks again and I nod. "Yeah I use to have a few friends that called me Colt- now that I'm thinking about it there was this girl that called me Co-Co" I cringe thinking about.

"Co-co that's great" he stifles a laugh as I roll my eyes. "Anyways why am I getting the stare?" He puts a hand to his chest inhaling and exhaling.

"Because you're attractive and I'm bored" I explain simply. "Does the kid want my phone? You can download some games or something?" He uses his baby talk voice and I sit up with a scoff.

I take his phone anyways and he laughs at me. Instead I go to the camera and quickly take a picture of me flipping it off. Typing in the easy password of his birth year I change his Lock Screen. Really I just was blessing his eyes.

"Done with the games already?" He continues to mock me and I ignore him crossing my arms and looking the other. I purposely tried to turn my whole body away from him.

"Shut up old man" I huff. I can practically hear his smirk. Resting my head on the cool window I shift again trying to move my legs. My knees felt like they needed to crack but I didn't exactly know how.

"Colton" he sings my name but I don't answer. I'm mad at him now. Plus my legs were killing me. I was trying to focus on those right now. "Colt" he calls again and I hide my smile as I ignore him once again.

"Kid?" This one sounded more like a question. "Boyfriend?" He's running out of names. He sighs and I know I've won. "Colton I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" he whispers moving a hand to my leg.

I smile and turn forward. "I win you apologized first!" I shout raising my fist just a little to celebrate. He groans taking his hand back. "You asshole" Andreas chuckles shaking his head. "You were actually worried that I was mad at you- how cute" this time I talk in the baby voice making him give me a quick glare before going back to the road.

"Is the old man mad? That would be to bad because I'm not apologizing" I smirk going back to sitting up straight. It was uncomfortable but it helped with my back so we didn't have to make as many stops and he could get to work faster.

I got ignored and lifted my knee up trying to get it from under the dash but once again curse my long ass legs. After a few minutes of struggling I got one out and brought it to my chest. Almost instantly there's a pop. I felt better but it was short lived as my other foot fell asleep.

"So are you going to tell me what's going on?" He asks eyeing me while I attempted to put my leg back under the dash while shaking my other now dead leg. "Heh- Uh nothing" I quickly sit up again just leaving my knee to my chest.

"Okay then... are you okay if we stop for dinner soon... I know we're eating an hour later but I wanted to get some more time in before we slept" he explains and I nod. "Finally! My legs are killing me!" I cheer.

"Colton! We agreed you would tell me if something was hurting you!" He gives me a stern look and I shrug. "I was managing it fine, plus look at how much farther we got" I tell him shoving my other leg back down under the dash.

He exits the freeway and we drive for a bit before pulling into the parking lot of a pub. "Four Leaf Clover? Well then I wish to not be so fucking tall- I feel bad for professional basketball players Jesus Christ!" I complain.

As soon as the car was parked and off I was jumping out. Stretching my legs in any way possible. Some high knees followed by some tuck jumps. There's a noise as the blazer locks and Andreas makes his way over to me. "Wait unlock it!" I tell him and he sighs but does so.

I open my door and reach into my bag grabbing my wallet. Shoving it into my pocket. He gives me a knowing look but I just close the door listening to it lock.

His arm wraps around my back and he looks up rubbing my arm. "Come on kid please tell me when you're hurting. I don't want anything to happen to you" he whispers and I look away feeling guilty.

"I really don't want to have to stop every three hours though. We're not going to get anywhere if we keep doing that" I express my worries and he shakes his head. "I'd rather that then you screwing up your body" his hand rubs circles over my lower back.

"Okay" I give in and he smiles turning to lead me towards the door his hand staying on my back. I almost felt prideful knowing he was holding me in public.

He pulls open the door letting me in, just to once again put his hand back on my back. Rubbing it lightly. "Just you two?" A women asks looking up from her till.

"Yes" he answers before I can even open my mouth. "Go ahead and find a seat wherever you want. We would appreciate it if you found a table with four or less seats" she asks and we both nod.

"Yeah, we can do that" I speak up this time as his hand pushed me forward. I let him lead me into another room, Andreas looking around. "Corner, sound alright?" He asks and I nod looking down at him. "Yeah of course- booth right?" I wanted to double check making sure we were talking about the same thing.

"Yeah" he answers as we head over. He scoots into the corner and I follow sitting next to him. I straighten my legs bending them a little just to get more of a stretch in.

"You okay?" He asks kissing my cheek. I smile loving how affectionate he has been the last few days. "Just stretching" I tell him and he nods.

"Hello, my name is Raquel. Here are your menus. Sorry they weren't on the table we had just cleaned this one and must have forgot to put them back" she explains.

"Oh, don't worry about it" Andreas answers. "Do you happen to know what you want to drink? Or do you need some more time?" She asks holding her note pad up.

"What kind of pop products do you have?" He asks first. I close my mouth getting sick of how many times we had asked that question. "Pepsi products" she answers and he nods. "I'll have a Pepsi" he orders and I look up waiting for her to be done writing. "Seven up" she nods and quickly writes that down before putting it onto her belt. "I'll be back with those in a few minutes" she smiles before turning to walk off.

When she's gone I turn back to him with a disgusted look. "Pop?" I ask and he nods raising his eyebrow. "Yes? We got pop?" He seems confused and I shake my head.

"It's soda. Pop sounds weird. Or if you're going to say pop... say soda-pop, but just pop sounds weird" I repeat and he quickly shakes his head. "Uh no. Soda sounds weird. Why is it even a word soda sounds like it's for children" he huffs and I roll my eyes.

"But pop is okay? There's pop music. Popcorn, pop rocks, popsicles- I could go on, soda is way more original" I fight back and I can tell by the look on his face he was enjoying this.

"I'm not saying soda" he licks his bottom lip and I groan into my hands. "And soda-pop is even worse. It's way to happy of a word... like oh yeah I'd loved some soda pop" he gives me very unenthusiastic jazz hands.

"god- I'm just getting lemonade from now on"

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