Chapter 32

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"I'm a man! For the third time, you've seen my dick. I'm not pregnant" I groan. "Then tell me why I had to go out of the way to buy you a pineapple that I don't even have shit to cut it open with?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"Because I wanted a pineapple okay. We didn't need to get it" I mumble as we walk back to the blazer. "Sure- but if I didn't you probably wouldn't stop complaining about pineapple until I got you one" he calls me out. I open my mouth to try to fight back but quickly shut up when I see some person smashing the side window of a car. Our car. "Hey!" I yell running forward. The thief quickly drops their weapon as Andreas catches on and runs forward as well. I run after the person.

Wanting to make them regret this. I walk for a living I've got strong ass legs. With the pineapple in one hand I shoved the person to the ground. Both of us tumbling down into the parking lot. The person's hat flys off and the girl let's out a shout of pain.

"What the fuck!" She yells and I just give her a confused stare. "Don't what the fuck me- you just broke our fucking window" I yell and she immediately tenses up. "Listen I'm sorry- we really don't need to call the cops or anything. I'm not going to do-" I cut her off not wanting to hear it.

"You're only sorry you got caught. Don't try to run. I run for a living and you won't make it far" I kind of fib but I didn't feel like sitting on her the whole time. Okay if I did somebody would assume I'm harassing her because that's just how the world is.

"Andreas did you call the police?" I shout back and he nods tapping his foot irritated. "Don't say anything. He gets really angry so if you want to get out of this without broken limbs just keep quiet" I warn her. Trying to be somewhat nice. He wouldn't even look this way as he ran a hand through his newly cut hair. He still had the long pieces covering one of his eyes though.

I let the girl sit up and she looks around panicking. "Just make this easy on us and don't even try- I want to go home and I doubt you want to go through the huge process just to be found guilty" she shuts her mouth no longer going to scream for help.

Within a few minutes a single cop car showed up and the man came out a not very pleased face. "So what exactly happened?" He asks looking between us. "We we're walking out of the store to find her swinging whatever she swung into the window of our blazer" I explain and he nods looking over to the scene.

"She ran I stopped her" I keep it simple. "And why isn't your friend over here?" He looks over to Andreas. "He's trying to keep himself calm- it would be best if he had a minute" I explain. " I see- Ms. would you like to say anything. If not I'm just going to assume it's true." He looks to her and she opens her mouth to say something but quickly shuts it.

"I'm sorry" she whispers and he sighs standing her up. "I'm sorry as well, but this is what happens when you do things you aren't suppose to" he murmurs taking the cuffs off of his belt to restrain her.

She walks herself to the car head down as I make my way to the blazer my pineapple still in hand. Dear god I still have the pineapple in my hands. He probably thinks I'm crazy. I hurry to set it down in the passenger seat before going over to hug Andreas from behind.

"I love you" I whisper turning to kiss his temple. "My fucking luck" he mutters under his breath as I rock us back and forth. "I know it sucks, but hey you're probably going to get a free new window" I try to see the bright side and he takes a deep breath putting his hand over my arm.

"Is she gone- why the fuck did she feel the need to break into my truck. There's nothing in there I brought my wallet in to shop" he starts getting angry again. I quickly squeeze him and bury my head into his neck kissing it lightly.

"Kid not now" he exhales. "I love you" I repeat and he smiles reaching back to pet my hair. "I love you too" he answers this time. "Is if okay if the officer comes over and talks to us or do you want to just take a walk?" I ask rubbing over his chest. "I'm okay- I'll talk, well I won't talk I'm going to stand there and try to be happy" he corrects himself and I nod turning us around.

Letting go of Andreas as the officer made his way over to us. "More than likely what's going to happen here- well are you planning on suing?" He asks and Andreas puts a fist to his mouth to shut him up.

"No we aren't" I answer for us. "Okay. She's willing to pay for the window. They'll wire money over from her account to yours we just need your information and then we'll get hers at the station" he explains causing Andreas to groan not wanting to be stuck here longer than he had to be.

"Is there anyway I can give you a phone number and we can just do this process over text?" I ask and he gives me a not pleased look but nods shifting all his weight onto one leg. "Sure thing, give me the number" he pulls his notebook out and reaches into his pocket for a pen. This must be one laid back county because no way in hell it should be that easy.

I recite Andreas's phone number and then take the phone from Andreas, so I would get the text. "With that done you should all be done in about an hour or two- get ahold of the station if you don't receive your money. You'll need to tell us how much the window is of course. So either way just please get ahold of the station." He rambled not even sure how to complete the process.

"Will do thank you" I call trying to push an angry boyfriend back over to the car. Once he was in the blazer I ran over to one of the cart people and told them about the glass before jumping into the blazer.

He carefully pulled out and turned around staring back at his now busted window. "I'm sorry" I apologize and he just looked straight again getting irritated by the sound of the wind. Tapping into his phone I find the nearest place that will give us a new window.

"If you want to turn right at the next light we can make our way to a place that will get us a new window" I struggle to the get the words out. He switches lanes and flips his blinker up before stopping at the red light. When there's no cars he goes for it driving straight.

"In about a mile we need to turn left- I'll tell you where when we get closer... if that's where we're going" I fumble with words unable to tell if that was where we were actually going. He could have just turned to get us farther away.

"It's okay, I'm not mad at you- don't think about it to much" he reaches over to rub my shoulder. "I just can't believe out of all people- it's irritating. People are irritating" he goes off on a mini rant as I nod along.

"Turn left here" I quickly interrupt and he nods flipping his blinker down. Thanks for dealing with her and the cop I might have lost my shit" he thanks me and I nod happy I actually helped this time.

"That's what I assumed, we can get this done and over with quickly, okay?" I reply looking back down to his phone. "Take a left here and then it will be on the left a mile down" I give him the rest of the directions and he takes in a deep breath.

"I love you Colton, I love you a lot" he chuckles and I smile. "I love you too" I sit up a bit more before going back to the phone to search up the number for the station in this city. Or whatever city was on the car. I'm not sure if we were in the city or not.

Andreas pulls into the family company and immediately is waved into the garage area. "Window?" The women asks waving some teen boys over. "Yup" he sighs and she nods.

"We're going to have to break the rest of the glass, so if you'd like to get out that would be safest" she explains and he nods. Both of us unbuckle before he turns the car off.

Getting out I let Andreas come over and just hug me.

"I'm calm. I'm so calm"

"Are you now?"

"Urgh no"

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