Chapter 9

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"After this one we can leave no more awkward conversations?" He asked just double checking as I laugh but nod. Standing in front of him I snake my hand up his shirt with a smirk. "It's hot you might want to take this off" I joke tugging at the fabric lightly.

"And what is this about?" He asked pressing my hand onto his abdomen. "Just seeing what it feels like to be fit" I sigh patting my own stomach. He chuckles but lets go of my hand as I let it leave his body sadly.

I think I've been trying to hint at me liking him more. Either he's oblivious, doesn't want to reject me so he's just letting me hopelessly flirt or I don't know.

After another easy job we walk back to the truck where I hop into the back stripping out of my sweaty clothes. Andreas did the same turning his Blazer on, just to get some AC.

"So now what do we do?" He asks and I sit up just in my boxers. "Probably go buy a new outfit, I bet your sick of rinsing that one out in a gym shower" I laugh and he nods without any hesitation.

"That means I have to put clothes on" he groans I chuckle rummaging through my bag for the cleanest clothes I had. "Try that on, I don't have pants for you but the shirt should be fine" I start to put clothes on myself as he nods getting dressed.

"I call driving!" I sing hurrying to get out before he could protest. I'm grabbed by the foot and pulled back. Landing onto my stomach. "And I think not" he teases scooting himself to the edge to open up the back. I lay still pouting when he leans in ruffling my hair.

"Come on Colton" he whispers and I close my eyes enjoying the feeling of his hand in my hair. Suddenly I was exhausted and the weeks work was catching up to me. "I'm tired now" I admit and he chuckles continuing to massage my scalp.

"Come on kid, if we go now by time we get done we can sleep and not totally ruin our sleep schedule" he tries to reason with me. I have to force myself up from my comfy spot.

I jokingly reach my arms out for him and he actually grabs me lifting me up and off the end panel. I blink not expecting it. Andreas takes his hands from my hips and lifts the panel up closing the trunk as I kept my hands on his shoulders.

Still dazed I slowly take them away before trudging to the passenger side. He gets in and starts up the car as I buckle up leaning against the compartment in the middle.

"You're such a child" he chuckles as I look up to him confused. "Hey why are you hating on me" I grumble and he looks down at me with a smirk before pulling out of the parking lot. "Because you were so hyper a second ago and suddenly you can't keep your eyes open" he teases reaching over to rub my shoulder.

These long ass car rides were getting to my back. With how tall I am sitting in this confined space was killing me. "Hey don't fall asleep" he squeezes my shoulder and I look up to him with a pout. "Then don't rub my shoulder- you're making me sleepy" I turn the blame on him.

"You don't like my shoulder rubs?" He huffs taking his hand from my shoulder. "Nooo stop- you're changing my words. I love your shoulder rubs" I whisper watching his hand go to the steering wheel.

"There's a target over there? Want to go to target?" He asks and I open my eyes again sitting up. "Mhmm that's fine" I hum looking over. He switches lanes and soon we're pulling into this parking lot.

"Honestly I'm just going to get some shorts and  a shirt" I whisper for no reason. "Sounds smart- this Kentucky heat is killing me" he admits as we both hop back out of the truck.

"One more state and I get to see my parents" I sing my voice slowly getting quieter. I wonder if they would like to meet Andreas. Would they like him? I think they would be happy.

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