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-Adrian Wixx-

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-Adrian Wixx-

"Rise in shine bitch- get up you're going to be late." My roommate- Astoria said throwing a pillow at my head in the process. I threw the covers over my head- groaning.

Today was Monday- the start of a new week which meant classes started today. I was a talented actress ever since in high school when I got the lead roles in every play they did. I missed it, until I got a scholarship to NYU for my acting. I had never been so excited to make a career out of it- I would be doing the one thing I was in love. But that was three years ago- I was about to go into my fourth year and I still haven't gotten any acting jobs. I so badly wanted to be in a movie that would make me known- I wanted people all over the world to know my name.

"I won't be late and anyways class doesn't start till another hour." I hollered- pushing the covers off of me so I could use the restroom. I slammed the door and walked over to the sink to brush my teeth- yawning in the process.

After I brushed my teeth and washed my face I walked out of the bathroom second thinking if I should go back to bed or not. It was so tempting to crawl back into my warm bed and sleep all day- until I wasn't tired anymore. But I didn't- I rubbed my eyes and walked over to my closet. I decided to wear a white sweater and jeans- with a coat and beanie because it was unbelievably cold in New York.

I walked out of my room- walking to the kitchen I saw Astoria sipping her coffee.

"What are you doing today A?" I asked- grabbing a coffee mug from the cabinet.

"Um i'll probably just walk around maybe meet up with some friends." She shrugged her shoulders. "Do you want to hang tonight- we could go to the bar." She asked- washing her mug in the sink.

"If i'm not tired," I yawned- looking at my watch it read 8:30 class started at 9. "Shit I go to go- see you tonight." I grabbed my bag running out of the apartment and slamming the door shut- walking to the elevators.


I was walking down the streets of Manhattan- the city that never sleeps and it was true the roads and streets were always busy no matter what time it was. The cold wind was hitting my flushed cheeks as I raced to get to my class on time. Which never made a difference- nobody ever noticed me in class I just sat there taking notes hoping one day someone would ask me to audition for a movie. I didn't just want to show up to auditions- I wanted to be invited- I wanted them to want me there.

I finally crossed the street and pulled the doors open- raced up the stairs to get to my class and pulled the door open to see all my classmates- that I saw each and everyday for four years.

Everyone turned their heads and I smiled- trying not to get red from the embarrassment. "Ms. Wixx so happy you could join us." My professor said- passing out papers.

I slipped into my seat and grabbed the papers he passed out, I flipped through the pages and yawned- all it was- was a script.

That's all we did all year around- we would get scripts act them out and get graded, and sometimes famous people looking for people for movies would come in and watch us. I never got picked- I was starting to lose hope if i'm being completely honest.

A couple hours later when class was finally dismissed I grabbed my bag and raced out of school- I really just wanted to get back home and eat ice cream on the couch while I watched the Titanic for the hundredth time.

I walked down the sidewalk of Manhattan for the second time today- the cobblestone hitting my heels every step I took. I kept her head down watching my every move I took.

I shivered as I kept walking- not looking up.

How long till i'm home-

My face collided with a hard chest- my bag instantly falling off my shoulder into the middle of the sidewalk where everyone was walking. "Are you okay—"

I bent down to pick up all of my stuff as quick as possible- trying not to make eye contact with the man. The man cleared his throat, "Ms- are you okay?" He asked again- making me sigh.

"I'm fine," I shivered from the cold breeze- still not making eye contact with him I quickly stood back up and walked away as fast paced as I could. All I wanted to do was get home and watch Titanic, but I ended up bumping into a random man and made all of my school supplies fall out into the middle of the sidewalk.

Why do the most embarrassing situations happen to me?

I turned my head around trying to catch a glimpse of the man I ran into- he had vibrant blonde hair and clean tuxedo on as he took long strides down the sidewalk. You could tell he was gorgeous.

I shook my head brushing off the thought as I pulled the door to my apartment building open- making my way to the elevators.

Dragging my feet across the floor I exited the elevator making my way to my door- pulling out my key from my bag, which I'm glad didn't get lost from what happened on the sidewalk. So embarrassing.

I turned the key and opened the door to an empty home. Finally I can get some sleep. I threw my bag on the ground and headed right for the freezer- getting out my favorite ice cream. Vanilla. Yes I know i'm basic. 

I ran to the couch kicking off my boots in the process and ripping off my jacket so I could get comfortable. I grabbed my remote and turned on Titanic. I wish I could act in a movie like this- imagine how many people would know you.

I laid my head down on a pillow falling asleep to the sound of the city and Leo DiCaprio yelling at Rose.




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