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-Adrian Wixx-

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-Adrian Wixx-

The whole week had gone by quickly and luckily I managed to avoid seeing Ryder.

It was now Friday and I was sat in the corner of a small coffee shop in the middle of Manhattan, going over my new script. It had been pretty long, but all I wanted to do was remember the first couple of lines so I wasn't embarrassed on my first day on set.

I was just hoping I could get this over with so I could go back to my apartment and take a nap.

I then was sipping on my black coffee- it still being hot from getting it just a couple of minutes ago. Hopefully it'll cool down soon. This coffee kind of reminds me of Ryder- hot and bitter.

I was still uneven about the events that occurred with Ryder that Sunday- but I was more upset with the fact he pulled away before even getting started.

He could touch my hair and I would melt. 

I could just imagine his soft, cold hands glazing my flushed cheeks while he kissed me. I didn't have to imagine it- it had already happened to me. God how I wished I could go back to that night and let him go further. The things I would let him do to me.

It shocked me how easily I could melt into his touch- sometimes it didn't even matter if he touched me he could look at me and I would melt.

And right after that happened and we went back to the meeting it was like nothing had happened- he didn't say one word to me nor look at me, and he always looked at me.

I was growing mad even just thinking about- I couldn't stand that man, and for him just to leave me the there after he touch me? And the worst thing was he didn't even go all the way- he actually got me
excited, and when I tell you I have not had sex in a while- I have not.

I was sexually frustrated.

And horny. For him. Ryder.

I shook my head out of my thoughts almost throwing up from them, and I looked back down at my script- mumbling the words to myself.

The bell on the door rang indicating someone walked in, so I quickly turned my head curious about who just walked in, and when I realized who it was the air was taken from my lungs.

His bright blonde hair and sharp jawline came into view and I instantly knew it was him.

What are the fucking chances Ryder Chase the richest man in New York comes into a coffee shop that nobody knows about?

It was like he was everywhere I was. Not that I'm complaining. I liked staring at him. He was nice to stare at.

I finally noticed I was staring and looked down at my script trying to avoid eye contact and act like I didn't even know he was there. He probably already knew I was here without even looking. Why does he always show up everywhere? First at my first real acting job, then at my favorite coffee shop? It's like he had been everywhere ever since we made eye contact at the bar.

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