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-Adrian Wixx-

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

-Adrian Wixx-

It was currently a Sunday evening, I was sat on the counter top in the Kitchen drinking a glass of wine- while I watched Astoria cook pasta. It had been a couple of days since the meeting, and I still haven't told her about my acting job or even about Ryder. I still didn't even know what I was going to do about him.

I didn't even know how to go about the situation- would she be mad at me for not calling her the second I got the job? And Ryder? I've had very few one night stands my whole life, and getting very close with no other than Ryder Chase. God I could just hearing her saying 'I told you so.'

My whole world shifted in a few days, and I didn't even tell my best friend? Damn now I feel bad. But It's not like I could tell her- I mean I woke up the next morning after hung over and she wasn't there. It's not like I didn't want her to know she just wasn't there, and I guess when she got home it just slipped my mind.

"Um- so I have to tell you something," I took a slip of wine to try and get rid of the dryness in my throat. Why am I so fucking nervous?

"Yeah?" She looked up from the pasta- smiling.

I tapped my fingers against the glass cup and cleared my throat preparing for the worst. "So at the bar the other night I might have um- accidentally made out with Ryder Chase." The last part made my eyes widen, I myself was still trying to believe that I made out with the richest man in New York.

"What the hell?" She nearly shouted- dropping the wooden spoon on the counter. "You fucking slut, and you didn't tell me?" That was a better reaction than I thought- Oh thank god.

"And I might have gotten a acting job and he is my costar." Holy I still couldn't believe it. My life was a literal movie right now.

"Holy fucking shit Ad- you went from the most boring person i've met to the main character over night. How could you not tell me any of this?" Am I that boring- I didn't think I was. But it did surprise me how fast my life changed over night.

"I guess it just slipped my mind." I smiled- taking another sip of my wine.

"Well you're going to do the movie right?" She asked- picking the wooden spoon back up to stir the pasta again. God could she just hurry up? I'm hungry.

"Of course I am." I answered. Finally she took the pan off the stove and separated the pasta into two bowls. I jumped off the counter and walked over to grab my bowl- excited because Astoria actually made really good pasta.

"Let's eat," she handed me my bowl.

I smiled, "finally I'm starving."


I woke up that following morning and had another meeting- I was actually really excited for this one except me having to see Ryder.

It was just so awkward, it's not that so made it awkward- he did. He would eye me down and smirk at me- like I actually wanted something to do with him. I mean don't get me wrong he was attractive, but the last thing I needed was a relationship getting in the way of this opportunity.

I threw on some mom jeans with a basic black tank, and a cream cardigan- again I didn't want it to look like I was trying to hard. And anyways this meeting we were just going over scripts.

I made my way down the streets of Manhattan for what it felt like the fiftieth time this week, but I loved it- I loved everything about this city- expect that everything was so over priced. That's why I walked everywhere.

I finally arrived at the building and went straight to the elevators- not that I was late I just liked being super early.

I walked into the conference room feeling my body get nervous again. Good why I'm I still getting nervous- I already have the job.

The second I got in there I looked for Ryder, surprisingly he wasn't there.

He's always here before me.

"Oh um Adrian so happy to see you! Ryder is late could you go get him he's probably just right outside." She smiled- before typing on her computer way to loud.

Why do I have to get him- can't he come in on his own terms?

But anyways I smiled and said- "Yeah sure thing." I sat my papers down and walked out of the room- wrapping my arms around my waist because it was always so cold in this building.

God I need a cigarette.

I walked around the lobby and finally reached my way out the front of the building, to find Ryder leaned against a brick wall smoking a cigarette- looking absolutely gorgeous. His sharp jawline was on full display and he was in a black suit- making me want to devour him, he wasn't even sparing me a glance.

I know he heard that loud ass door.

"What do you want Adrian?" He finally said something, not even looking in my direction.

I was letting out a groan in response, and before I knew it he was throwing his cigarette on the ground and pushing me up against the brick wall- making my breath hitch.

"What do you want Adrian?" He asked again- searching my face for an answer. The words wouldn't come out- not when his lips were so close to mine. God what I would give to feel him again.

Slowly and bitterly, his hand slid from my waist, and into my jeans, my breathing catching in my throat. I wanted to tell him to stop, to not to do this because I didn't want to be left with the satisfaction of how good it felt.

Finally, he slid a finger over me through my underwear, my mouth parting open in bliss and the softest, sexiest moan left my lips. It felt like heaven.

But just like that, he pulled away. "We should probably get back to the meeting."




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