Pt.1 - That's How It Started

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"CESS" I heard my friend Hannah shouting "CESS, CESS, CEEEEESSS" 

I wasn't quite interested, I was way too deep into reading my book. But when she showed up to my face... 

"Cestria! Jeez, can you look at me for at least 1 second? I just want to tell you something important. It won't be long, I pr-"

"Just shoot it, come on" I said impatiently. That was the most interesting part of the book, what could be so important?!

"Okay, sooo. I'm going on a trip next week. To the Food and Dancing Factory. But it would be boring to go by myself, so I thought I should go with friends. Isaac, Olivia and Isabella are already in. Aaaand I thought you'd want to come too." She said as fast as she can and seemed a bit nervous

"Wait, wait. You tell me, that you invited Oli and Izzie before ME?! How rude!" I was really offended by that. Or at least I acted like so

"No, you muffinhead, I invited YOU first, but you're so busy talking to your boyfriend that I can't reach you. So now are you coming or not?"

I thought for a second. Which hotel did she say? No. There was no way

"You're going to THE Food and Dancing Factory?" she nodded "And do I have to pay something? it's a bit suspicious that you ask me like that, you know-"

"Only $100 sis, calm down. We got in a somewhat sales week. So are you in?"

"Hell yeah!" And then my phone buzzed

"Is it him again?" Hannah asked

I looked at the phone hopelessly. Ugh

"Yes, it's Dennis"

"Just hang up, girl, come on" she snapped

"But-- I can't" I sighed sadly and she frowned

"You gotta be braver" she said flatly and exited the room, looking kind of disappointed

I looked down at my phone and hesitated for a second, but... I hang up. For the first time, I hang up on him because I didn't want to talk, not because I couldn't. I don't know what's going to happen after, but I guess I will find out soon


"What do you mean 'you don't want me to go'?"

"Cestria, why do you want us to have the same conversation over and over again?" Dennis asked bored. Ugh, I want to hit this man with a frying pan sometimes

"Because I think it's not fair... how you can hang out with your friends and go to Turkey with them? Why can't I be the one having fun for once?" I asked desperately. It felt like I'm a prisoner in my own relationship

"I don't want you to not have fun, Cess... It's just that we see each other so rarely... I miss you. And you have the money to come to Sofia, why do you spend them on that stupid trip to a stupid village when we can visit each other?"

"Because it's always me, Den. I'm always the one that comes to you. The closest you've come here is like... 200km away from my city. It's just not fair"

"You know I do everything I ca-"

"Oh yeah? If that's right you are going to come to the Factory. I challenge you. If you REALLY do what you can, then come with us, it's only a hundred dollars for a week. I know you have this money" I stated coldly, but what else could I do? 

He always says that he does everything possible. If that was right he would've come to Burgas at least once, right? Yeah, but guess what, he went on a trip with his friends again, using it as a 'chance to see me', but he went to the other end of the Bulgarian Black sea coast. Idiot...

But I love this idiot. 

Sometimes he can get me off the rails and I can hate him from the bottom of my lungs, but it's not enough to leave him, I guess... He's just too cute and I'm so used to talking to him all day, even though it's overwhelming most of the time. But it's hard to change something you've been doing over and over for almost 3 years now.

"Okay. I'll come" he said eventually, after a long pause

Wait, really? He is going to come? With us? With ME?!

I finally got what I wanted... 

Now I only have to wait until the date comes

A/N: This chapter is a bit short, but it's kind of an exposition. I promise the next ones would be longer and more interesting! ;)

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