Pt.4 - Lost

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I heard a sound of a horn. Like these Viking horns you see in the movies.

I grabbed my backpack and hurried to the yard in front of the restaurant. There I saw my friends still playing with those puppies. They were so childish...

"Come on, are you coming?" I asked

"Where?" Isaac asked confused

"On the hike, obviously!" I said a bit more harsh than I wanted and pointed in Michael's direction

"I didn't know that was a thing," Olivia said, but when I was about to answer, I heard:

"WE'RE GOIIIING- ON A HIIIIKE" He shouted loud enough for people to hear him on the Great Chinese Wall and with a strange pause in between the words.

"Come on, let's go," he said and the whole group from around 25 people followed him while still shouting. And I found it really funny actually

It was then when I noticed the big dogs, that were all around Michael, following him loyally

I didn't see them in the yard earlier. I honestly didn't know where he keeps them, but they were beautiful.

There were two white and one black poodle, and one of the white ones looked like he wasn't shaved his whole life. I doubted a bit the fact that he is a poodle, just because his hair was really straight, but I think it's because the staff brushes it every day for a good while. At least one of the women told me so

He was my personal favourite and was the one that moved the closest to Michael.

When we stopped for a short break after what seemed like only 10 minutes, Michael sat on a trunk and the dogs surrounded him, I just admired how he patted every single one with love I've never seen against an animal. They were adorable together

When we grouped up again, he continued walking

Only this time I was right next to him because I somehow succeed to squish myself in between the people at the front

"I thought you got lost somewhere, so far I couldn't see your eyes nowhere..." He stated, sounding a bit sad

"I was at the back actually" I gave him a little faint smile, and he looked like he was about to say something, when...

"SHE! (she) SHE LIVES IN DAYDREAMS WITH ME!" my ringtone sounded loud in the calm forest

"Oh, excuse me" I had to go a bit at the side so I don't interrupt people's conversations with my own on the phone.

"Hello?" I said as I didn't even bother to see who's calling. But could I be more surprised...

"Cestria! What the fuck, man?! Why don't you see my messages and why don't you answer your goddamn phone?! I called like 50 times!"

"Alright, calm down. You know there hardly is any signal, right? I'm in the mountains! And why did you call so many times? Is something wrong?" I asked concerned, why would he call so many times?

"Because I got worried! You are doing some shit behind my back, aren't you?! With the stupid hotel owner!" He shouted and sounded insanely mad.

What? Like, what?!

I was speechless

"Wh- what? Actually, I don't know what are you talking about"

"Don't act like punched with a wet mop! I know everything!"

"What everything do you know, calm down and tell me what's going on?!"

I was having a minor heart attack, what was he talking about?!

"I saw you, bitch! Talking and flirting with him! No doubt what else you're doing!"

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