Pt. 17 - Creepy Vibes

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My arms hurt as fuck, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything anymore. I just studied the broken picture once again.

"Run, Michael! RUN!"

I shook my head and closed my eyes. These words kept ringing in my head. This, along with the memory of losing Magdalena and the child I thought was mine, kept me awake for whole nights. But nothing gets me like the memory of the mistake I did with Cestria. Wait. Cestria!

Then it hit me...

I felt like a magnetic wave pushed me to the ground and my vision was getting dizzier. What have I done?!

I got on my knees and punched the ground. My arms were bleeding anyways, so I didn't care if I get a piece of glass in my skin. 

I screamed like a wild animal from the frustration and the sudden realization. How can I be so stupid?! No, I'm not stupid...


I immediately ran out in search of Cestria. Did she know how to get back to the hotel? What if she just lays somewhere and freezes to death? Or what if she sees a bear and panics? I'm sure she doesn't know how to get away from these things...

So many questions were flying through my mind, and I was starting to run faster and faster. But I couldn't find her anywhere. I called her name, and when I heard footsteps near me, I turned and started running off my usual paths. I was going straight into the wild forest.

The footsteps were becoming faster and faster, so I started running as fast as I can. I couldn't even see where I was stepping, the night was pitch black, but I still followed the sound, until... It disappeared

"Cestria? Is that you? Please come to me, I won't hurt you, I promise! I'm sorry, just come to me!" I continued calling, but nobody answered. Maybe it was just a rabbit.

Good. And now I am lost...

I reached for the flashlight in my pocket, I always carried one with me. I turned it on and started searching again

"Cestria! Cestria, if you hear me, come and talk to me! Please, I promise I won't hurt you!" I repeated the same thing over and over, trying to get at least a sigh that she's alive. But there was none. Maybe she wasn't in this part of the forest at all?

The battery of my flashlight was running low when I saw a human silhouette. This has to be her!

I started running to her, but the more I ran, the more she was getting away. And then it came... My vision became even blurrier than before, I almost couldn't see a thing, but still, I was trying to get to her. Until I couldn't keep my balance anymore and felt my knees getting weaker.

Before I knew it I heard a crack and fell to the ground, unable to feel my body? Was this the end? Most definitely.


I woke up in a big, comfy bed, tucked with fluffy bedsheets. I looked at my arm and shoulder and it was painted with tiny red scratches from the glass last night.

"Where am I?" I said to myself, and the second I did, the door opened

"You are awake." I saw Chandler smiling at me "Welcome to my home. I found you in the middle of the forest when we went searching for mushrooms. What were you doing there?"

"I, um..." 

I was running from my angry boss, I wanted to say

"I got lost" I answered, eventually

"You were at Michael's, were you?" he said with a knowing look. How did he know?

"No" I lied

"Cess, I know when people lie to me. I know you were there, but let me tell you something," He came closer to the bed so I can hear; "Be very careful with Michael." he started speaking quieter "After you left he became losing his mind. He isn't the man he was. He has a very deep and dark past, believe me, or not. And I think that thing with the child and you leaving right after... It came too much at once for him, and that triggered his traumas. I try to control him and keep him away from the guests of the hotel, because he's going to scare them, of that I'm sure. He doesn't want to go to therapy and I'm very worried about him. I hope you can fix this, but again - be careful. You see what's he ready to do just for a single picture." 

That sounds very serious. I may have to- Wait. Picture?!

"How do you know about the picture?" I asked him a bit warningly

"Cestria, believe me. I can do more things than you expect." He assured me and made chills go down my spine. Wow, that was creepy

"Anyways, I suppose you don't have a place to stay in yet," He started "so, I say you stay here until you find your place. Just for your own good. I don't have a wife and kids, and have a guest room, so I have no problem for you to stay here." He offered. This sounded good, but he was giving me creepy vibes already. Anyways, when you think about it, I don't really have a choice.

"Okay. I'm staying" I stated and he nodded

"Get yourself ready for work, I'm going to the Factory. I'm leaving the key on the hanger next to the front door, lock the house and bring it to me later, okay?" 

"Okay" I repeated and with that, he left me alone

This is going to be an adventure for sure...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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