Pt. 3 - Pizza Time

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It was 16:30 and we were at the pizza place in the hotel. The staff brought a bunch of fruits: watermelons, melons, cherries, peaches... There were also bruschettas, which ended up disappearing pretty fast. These were for the parents, who were watching their kids make pizza. Or for the idiots like us who just sat there and watched while waiting for the second row, because it would be hilarious for a 24-year-old to sit next to a 6-year-old and make pizza

We sat on one of the tables, watching the kids sitting around the pizza-making area. They were waiting for the man I talked to earlier. I didn't know his name yet

He came only a minute later, cleaned up the burned wood pieces from the furnace, and then sat in between the kids around the circle, holding the tray with the balls of dough on it.

"Hello, kids. How was the hike, was it long?" he asked. So there was a hike before lunch too?

"YEEEES" the kids growled in annoyance and I just giggled a bit. They were adorable

"Hey, don't you like the long hikes?" he asked and pretended to be offended

"Noooo!" everybody shouted and he just hung his head low for a second

"Then don't worry, because the afternoon hikes are shorter, AND you can go back with the jeeps" he smiled and took a deep breath "Now are you ready to make pizza?"

"YEEES" the kids shouted eagerly and I smiled at their joy

"Then let's get started! Roll your hands in the flour. On the upper and the lower side. Like that. Now rotate the button of the oven to 180 degrees. Rotate, rotate, rotate, rotate" He repeated while touching his nose and rotating his finger from right to left. I almost laughed at his childish behaviour 

"Now get the dough and roll it in the flour, so it won't stick to your fingers. Then you get the rolling pin and start rolling uuupwards and dooownwards. Your whole life. Then you get the sauce and put ONE SPOON ONLY! Why? Do you know?" he asked the kids playfully

One kid started waving his hand and shouted impatiently: "Michael, Michael! I know! Because if you put more than one spoon the sauce might go on the edge and it will cause the pizza to burn" 

So his name was Michael

"That's right, kid. Then you put the ingredients you want and start singing what song? How many pizzas do we have to make?!" He shouted and I and Hannah got really interested in what is going to happen next.

And yes, it was only me and Hannah, since everybody else decided to go play with the dogs instead. Yes, there were little puppies! How awesome was that?!

"One million!" The kids answered

"When does the work end?"

"When we die!"

"And when do we die?!"


"Never, that's how we work," He said calmly, while me and Hannah were in shock and just looked at each other amazed, trying not to giggle. That was actually awesome. Did he train them to answer him correctly? This man was amazing

Then my phone buzzed

"What are you up to? :) "

Ugh, do I really have to answer?

"Just watching kids make pizza."

-WITHOUT YOU, I wanted to add, but I didn't

"When somebody has a good idea where does he go?!" He actually continues. This is getting way more intriguing than I thought

"In the bank!"

"And what do people give them there?"


"And when he bankrupts, what happens? For the better!" The last part they said in unison, and we were actually having a wow moment when they continued in unison

"Еverlasting youth, life without wrinkles, tense nerves, joint pain, thorns, Hashimoto and so on" They finished and we actually laughed at this one, it was hilarious

"I wish you what? Nice work" he sighed and got up with the already empty tray, and went to the furnace to wait for the kids to give him their pizzas, so he can bake them

This man was both looking AND acting like Jesus. He was insane!

"Oh God, glad I didn't come 😒" my phone buzzed one more time. This time I only left him on read. I wanted to say so many things. But not now, not today. I just wanted to have fun now. I felt like our relationship was on the edge anyways...

The kids quickly made their pizzas, Michael baked them and now there was room for our pizzas.

I made mine with prosciutto, blue cheese, onions, and normal cheese on top.

I wondered how it would taste with the blue cheese, I just really loved these creamy-cheese-shit-things, but never tasted the blue one yet, because everybody says it smells like feet

Then I grabbed the pizza shovel, put my pizza on it, and placed it on the table next to Michael and the furnace.

And oh, God, did he look hot when he was adjusting the pizzas on the table! And he was even hotter adjusting the ones baking

"You are coming later, right?" he looked up into my eyes

"Of course" I smiled "but you never told me there was a hike in the morning too?"

"Because you never asked maybe? But yeah there is. And oh, when we go later, look for mushrooms in the forest, because at night we usually go to the big tent next to the pool, light up the fire and talk about everything under the sun while baking and eating mushrooms and drinking tea. It's really fun"

"It sounds so" I smiled "I promise I'll look very carefully"

"Thank you. And remember, ALWAYS tell me when you find one, so you don't pick up a poisonous one. Okay?"

"Yeah" I nodded and giggled. Then he just got my pizza out on a plate. Were they really baking that fast?

"Okay, so see you at the hike then" he winked at me and I blushed and nodded.

This night would be interesting

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