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I shouldn't have fallen asleep when I first arrived. Now I had to wake up at 5:00 AM in the morning and I'm literally sitting here doing nothing. I can't even move or make any noise since my roommates just turned to bed three hours ago. I wished I was with them, that's the life of the trips I've always wanted to experience. Pool or beach all day, party all night. I take a look at the reading on the clock, 6:05 AM, I've been lying motionless in my bed for about an hour. It came to me now that our travel guide told us we're allowed to use the rooftops. It would be my moment to finally watch the sunrise, the one thing I've always dreamt of. 

I quietly jumped in a pair of leggings and slid a hoodie over my shoulder. It's a bit chilly now since there is hardly ever one wavelength from the sun. I escalate two sets of stairs before arriving at the rooftop. It's pretty huge with nothing but so many machines. I place the towel I picked on my way here on the floor and sit on it. There is a faint tint of orange rising above the crystals of the sea, slowly diffusing into the sky and into the holes in me. This is so aesthetic, making me feel the unfairness of this scenery being available for those who don't appreciate it enough. I'm so inspired I could write a million of words for this beauty I witness. I grab my phone and take about 30 something pictures as the sun gradually blesses the whole world. The rays are on their way to reach me now. 

"Yoh, Pineapple." My whole body jumps with shock to the sudden sound behind me. I gasp, dropping the phone to my lap and snapping my head towards the short guy who is standing behind me. He takes his hands out of his shorts' pockets to his face in defence "Sorry," He takes the hood of his jacket, the same red one he has had with him since I first saw him yesterday, "I should've known you were faint-hearted." 

"I'm not faint-hearted." My cracked voice already says it all "And I have a name, you know?"
He pushes his bottom lip out then pulls it back drawing a thin line "Well the only thing you've said was 'pineapple'" I shift away to offer him a seat on the towel too. It's quite huge so it would take two people. He was a bit reluctant at first to take the offered space, but he eventually squats down and onto the edge of the towel as if I carried some sort of virus "I've said plenty of others." I say as he finally actually sits down. He hook sits with legs somehow apart, admiring the masterpiece of art forming before us.

"What is it then?" I turn my head to him who's still watching the scenery. I can tell he has a really pointed chin, I don't mean it in a bad way it surprisingly fits him. I shift my attention back to the awakening world because I have no idea if he's asking about the words I've said that aren't pineapple or if he's asking about something else. I guess I miss Maya too much to the point that I'm drowned by her effect on proper understanding.

"Your name." He clarifies when I don't answer "What's your name?"
"Oh, I'm Ashley." Some strange strings hit me. It's not like it's the first time I introduce myself to anyone, but definitely the first time to a boy. I actually never introduced myself to Nick since I've known him since the moment I was born. Perks of having a mother with a loyal best friend.

"Adam." He looks at me for a while, as if he's inspecting my features. I shift a bit, not because it's uncomfortable like every other guy's way of gazing, it's a respectful study of my face like I'm a piece of the sky he was just staring at seconds ago. I raise an eyebrow at him so he just looks away, shifting in uneasiness. I feel bad for scaring him. I really didn't mean it. I don't even know why I raised an eyebrow at him. Staring back at the sky, I bring my hand to shield my eyes from the shining light directed at me right now. I take a peek at Adam, he's still gazing ahead of him, eyes so focused I feel like he's memorizing every inch. I don't want him to think I'm some sort of an antisocial so I try to wash away the awkward silence.

"How old are you?" This might be the stupidest question ever cause of course he's my age but anything would work to get him to change the perspective he might have had.

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