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The first impression we're leaving on Benjamin isn't going well, or probably didn't since he's standing there before us horrified of his life. Olivia and I only had five hours of sleep before snapping our eyes wide open to be able to make it on time to the end of the school day. We're sitting on a slightly short wall in the playground. Being here fills me with so much nostalgia I almost cry. It's like I can still hear the laughs I've made running around here, the cries I did in the corner. My knee hurt as if just yesterday I slit it open when I trembled and fell down in fourth grade. The air still smells like every last Friday of every month when it was special pizza day. Or how the field seems crowded with kids on trip days. My eyes scan every inch where my memories lie then they land right on a bench, the bench where Adam gave me those bread-clipper rings. The pair of rings I still seek comfort from. I inhale in the nostalgia as I turn my focus back to Olivia who's sitting right beside me crossing her arms over her chest, staring down at Benjamin who's standing before the wall about to do whatever it takes to escape.

"So," She breaks the silence "Benson."

"Benjamin." He corrects her, seconds before he throws his hands up in defeat when she shoots him her death glare. I'm not really scary compared to Olivia, but I am very much aware her an I give off the evil step-mothers vibe when we're together. Though a guy with a height like his shouldn't be this scared of five-one girls. He isn't really a giant, somewhere in between Dain's height and Sam's height, might be a five-nine or a five-ten. But he's perfect for Naomi's five-five figure. I still have zero idea whether he's a friend or not.

Olivia rolls her eyes going back to the original question "What business do you got to do with my sister."

"This isn't an interview, Olives." I tell her. I get she's probably mad and doesn't really like his guts like every person she first meets, but to me he doesn't seem like a bad guy.

Probably extra introverted or suffers from social anxiety.

"Well umm," He says, voice back to being shaky "We both attend school's music club. And now since we're the only two seniors so we're the ones in charge."

"We know our sister is head of music club." I tell him copying Olivia's posture.

"And we've seen your guitar." She adds "We aren't blind."

"So you pretty much added zero information to what we already have."

"Are you guys twins?" I'm sure he wanted to say 'evil twins' but chose to keep his life span on track. Olivia narrows her eyes "Sorta. Now answer the question."

"I told you." He shrugs "We're classmates, club mates, and we meet up sometimes to make music."

"Just music?" She teases him but I slap her arm slightly too hard she almost falls off the wall. Benjamin's cheeks flush as he stares down at his shoes. This is probably my first time seeing a boy blush, and it's already so cute. I know he's probably only two years younger than I am but he feels like a child to me somehow. Olivia's laughing so hard when she adjusts her position "No but seriously." She says as she swipes dust off her palm "What do you think of Naomi?"

"I think she's amazing." He smiles to the floor "She's so nice to the kids in the club and patient with beginners. She has great leading skills that she keeps on denying whenever I mention it. I think she has warmest smile ever and don't even get me started on how angelic her voice is that I get lost in it and miss the guitar tune thousands of times." I'm certain Olivia and I look so stupid flashing sheep smiles from ear to ear as we hear him talk about our sister. He lets out a breath as he smiles "I'm lucky having her as a friend of mine." My mood went from high up into the sky to down on its neck really quick I have this terrible urge to kick him in the face with my heavy sneakers. Our face expressions got transformed to poker faces. Either he is so stupid, or Naomi is so stupid she friend-zoned him. Olivia groans as she looks back down at him "Adam Clover 2.0 I see." She didn't just...

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