Part 1026

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I went into the dressing room and tried on the sweater. It fit perfectly, even looked pretty good, just my style. I also took a picture in front of the mirror and posted it on my instagram story, ignoring all the drama that was currently going on about Tom and me. Back in my normal clothes, I walked out of the dressing room and over to my fiancé who was still sitting on the chair outside the dressing room with his phone in his hand.
"So my princess how is the sweater ?" he asks, his mood better again but I know he's just giving me a smile to make me happy. Inside he is still totally exhausted and wants to go to bed.
"It's perfect" I eventually picked out a few nice sport bras now that we're at nike. But then Tom paid with whatever while I waited with the girls outside. Each of the girls has already a bag with clothes or shoes in hand, as you can imagine. When Tom came out with my bags, the girls went on. I held out my hand to take the bags, but Tom insisted on carrying them for me. So instead I took his free hand in mine while we walked behind the girls.I didn't really feel left out, after all, I brought Tom with me. Nothing against my friends.
"guys guys guys, what do you think about going into prada ?" Lea shrieks with excitement. In my opinion, prada is way too expensive. Of course they have beautiful things, but for the price it is really not worth it to me to buy something there.
"really? isn't that a bit to-" But zendaya interrupts me
"Oh my good, yeeeesss" she sings.
"yeah why not.." Josephine answers insecure, only cause she doesn't want to make herself unpopular because she hasn't been in our friend group for very long, so she just goes along with it.
"okay great, come on Y/N" Ciara is the last to agree, then pulls me away from Tom who is strolling behind us, but I still manage to keep our hands slightly intertwined so that I pull him behind me with my other hand. Arriving at the expensive prada store, the girls go their own way again. Some go more in the direction of shoes, the others in the direction of handbags and finally to the jewelry, I in turn stroll only with Tom something through the store, don't give much attention to the stuff.
"What do you think about Prada?" My boy asks me.
"Honest opinion?" I answer, looking him directly in the eyes.
"yeah sure" he nods, his eyes still a little red.
"I think it's far too expensive" I exclaim, then look back through the store at the expensive price tags.
"Okay.. so you think the goods are ugly?" he asks with a confused face which makes me turn my head to him again.
"no I didn't say that, just that they are too expensive..." but then it hits me. In the corner of the store I see a bracelet lying in a small glass cabinet. It looks beautiful, is golden and sparkles directly in my eyes. I don't know why I find it so beautiful, maybe it's the fact that my mother had a similar one back then and even though I don't have any contact with her now and don't really know how she is or what she is doing, this bracelet still reminds me of the time when everything was still good and my mother didn't drink. Maybe I often act like I don't care about my mom in front of Tom, which is true, but I still miss her a little. As I got older and she was always on Lucas' side, I started to hate her more and more, which distanced me even more from my mother. She kept telling me what I was doing wrong, and that I should listen to Lucas more, while I was always sniping at her and calling her the worst mother in the world. Maybe that's the reason we don't haven contact anymore...
"Woah..." I whisper to myself, still staring with wide eyes at the beautiful bracelet. Meanwhile Tom also caught my gaze and followed my eyes to the golden bracelet. But when my gazen moved a little down and I spotted the price tag under the bracelet, my good mood evaporated again. 990€' said the price tag. Must be real if it is so expensive. I can't afford that in my life now that we don't have any more money, but it's just a stupid bracelet. Who needs that?...
"come on, let's get out of this shitty place and go for an ice cream" I turned around, didn't wait for Tom's answer and made my way out of the shop.
"You go find a place to sit down, i'll get the ice cream, just tell me which flavours you want and how many scoops" Tom said to me as we stood in front of the little ice cream shop.
"only strawberry and chocolate please" Tom nods but then goes to get the ice cream while I sit down at a table for 2 across from the prada store where we have a good view at it for if the girls should come out. While I was watching people making their way through the shopping mall, Tom came out with our ice creams. He hands me mine and then sits down next to me while we both eat the ice cream and look at the prada store, waiting for the girls to come out. When I eventually looked over at Tom, I saw his ice cream flavors, vanilla and biscuit. Biscuit is still okay, but vanilla is so boring in my opinion.
"Vanilla? really?" I giggled at him while he looked at my ice cream and wanted to say something against my choice of scoops, but you can't say anything against my choice. Chocolate and strawberry may also be boring but at least they don't taste boring like vanilla.
"Hey, vanilla tastes super delicious, don't say anything against vanilla" he warns me
"vanilla sex isn't called vanilla sex for no reason Tom." I laughed while he just rolled his eyes playfully and scoffed at my comment.
"Go ahead and laugh at me, I'm not interested at all. I'm not listening to you any more" He turns his head away from me childishly while he still licks his ice cream like a frog.
"All right, all right, I'll stop" I stopped making fun of him but his head stayed turned away from me. So I put on my red strawberry ice cream and placed a big smack on his cheek, leaving a big red mouth print from the ice cream there.
"Ahhh that's fucking cold !!!!!" he cries out, but finally looks at me again with a childish evil look while I just giggle. His angry pout made him look so cute.
"I'm sorry thomas" I kissed him on the mouth, now his lips were red too. He took the opportunity to stick his tongue out and lick my mouth while we kissed. As he made a circle around my mouth and licked all the strawberry ice cream off my mouth, he pulled away and thoughtfully tasted the strawberry flavour in his mouth.
"I don't like it" He says with a disgusted face but I could see that he actually liked it.
"mmhm sure, so if I now... let's say-" I smeared some strawberry ice cream on my lips again, looking seductively at Tom, who only clenched his teeth as he watched me. I was about to lick my lips when he crashed his lips against mine. Hungrily licking the strawberry ice cream off my lips and eventually sticking his tongue in my mouth.

When the girls came out of the store and Tom and I had also finished our ice cream, we stood up and walked towards them.
"Y/N, I bought beautiful earrings, you wanna see them?" Ciara screams, didn't even let me answer before she showed me the little box with the earrings in it.
"Aren't they beautiful?" she spoke up with joy, and I admit, they were really beautiful.
"Yeah they are" I looked at the earrings with her as we slowly made our way to the parking lot as it was getting late.
"Hey girls, I think I left my jacket at the Prada store, you go ahead. I'll be right there" Tom says before turning and jogging to the Prada store. I in turn went with the girls to the cars where we waited for Tom.

~I may be banned from tik tok for another week, I don't know yet~

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