First Meet /1

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Jungkook hears his alarm go off and immediately shuts it off. After making sure his father wasn't waken up, he quietly does his daily routine. He successfully got ready and made a quick bowl of cereal and was heading out the front door. "WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOURE GOING?!?!" "F-Father-" jungkook stutters. "I ASKED YOU A GOD DAMN QUESTION!!" "I-I-Im going t-to school" "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GO GET ME BEER FIRST THING IN THE MORNING" "B-But I'm going to be late" "I-I DONT GIVE A FUCK! GO GET MY BEER." 

With that Jungkook runs down to the corner store buys a pack of beer and sprints back home. Jungkook runs inside and put the pack of beer in the fridge befor heading to school. He looks at his watch and groans, he's already ten muinets late and its going to take him another 5 to get there. He runs.


Jungkook pov

I finally get to school, I'm currently trying to catch my breath outside of my classroom door. Once I finally catch my breath I fix my glasses before giving the door a light knock. I hear a muffled 'come in.' When I enter the room the class is staring at me, I avert my eyes to the fuming teacher. "Why wre you late Mr. Jeon?" "I had to do something for my Father..." "Are you lying to me Mr.Jeon?" "N-No ma'am" "so if I call your Dad-" "No! Please don't call my father ma'am... h-he'll get mad" I Mumble  just enough for her to hear. She looked confused but nonetheless let me sit down. I went to sir next to my only two friends, Jimin and Jin hyung.

Noone pov

The rest of the say went pretty well for Jungkook until the last bell of the day rang. As soon as Jungkook stepped out of the school gates Chan and his gang pulled jungkook into an alley. "Hey nerd. Why were you late today huh? I didn't get to give you your morning beating" Chanyeol said with a smirk on his face. "I h-had to get my f-father s-something. I s-swear I t-tried to tell him t-that I needed t-to be at s-school but h-he didn't listen." "Yeah? Well I guess I'll just have to give you double the beating today huh?" Jungkook just whimpers. Chanyeol throws a punch at jungkooks stomach making him topple over. Kai and Sehun hold him up by his arms at Chan continues hitting the poor boy. Suddenly they heard a deep voice yell.

Taehyung pov

I was walking with Hobi and Joonie hyung going to our usual coffee shop. I know what you're thinking 'how are you walking in the streets no problem if you're a well known mafia??' Well while I am well known Noone knows what I look like other than my employees and people close to me.
Anyways we were walking to get coffee when I heard the sound of someone or something crying. I stop in my tracks making the other two stop also. "Tae what's wrong" Joonie asks me. I point to my ear in an attempt to get him to listen. He then hears it and starts looking around also. That's when I spotted a group of guys running out of an alley way laughing their asses off. I tell joonie and hobi hyung to stop the group while I looked in the alley.
What I saw next made my blood boil.


Cliffhanger 😁
I hope you don't hate me lmao

I think I'm doing pretty good so far... what do you think?

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