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━━ IMAGINE . . .
part ii

That day after Jacob saw you in the woods had instilled some sort of bittersweet hope in him. Bitter because you were a vampire, a creature he was born to hunt and kill for the rest of his life. But, sweet, because it was you, and he almost forgot how beautiful you were until he saw you again.

Every day, he returned to the same spot he saw you, but you didn't show yourself again.

As the days passed into weeks, he began to wonder if maybe Bella was right, maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him. Maybe he missed you so much he just hallucinated seeing you. But if it was just a figment of his imagination, why had you been a vampire?

Jacob had no answers. Not until Victoria's army of newborns came to Forks to destroy the Cullen clan, and he found you among them.

He watched you as you tore through the field, fighting off his pack and the Cullens. He watched the savage look on your face; the way your teeth bared and how your strength was so great, his alpha Sam could barely handle it.

He watched Sam lunge at you, mouth pulled back in a snarl, going in for the kill, and something in him urged him forward to block the other wolf and protect you.

Sam shook off the surprise and went to attack again, but stopped, confused and outraged when Jacob stood firm in front of him, shielding you.

And then, before he had time to react, Jacob felt your arms wrap around him and crush his ribs.

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