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Jasper hasn't smiled so widely since ...  well, since before he became a vampire. Of course he's had happy moments with his adopted family, but nothing that truly made him feel so electric and alive. Like he was the luckiest man alive.

Esme is the first to notice her son's behaviour and when she calls him on it, she gets him to reluctantly admit that he's seeing someone. A girl called Y/N. Practically radiant with joy, Esme demands he bring her to Edward and Bella's wedding to introduce her to everyone.

On the big day, Jasper is pulled away from you to dance with an eager elderly aunt from Bella's side of the family, leaving you to wander around.

When Esme finds Jasper and asks where you are, his lips curl upwards and he turns at the sound of your approaching footsteps, looking like a groom watching his bride walk down the aisle toward him.

His mother only has to look at the two of you together to see the pure, unconditional love between you. She can't believe how smitten her son is, and how happy he looks. You didn't just give him your love, you gave him his smile back.

Esme, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is my mother, Esme.❞

❝ It's so nice to meet you and your family.❞

❝ It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. Jasper never told me how beautiful you are! Although I did presume so with that dopey grin he always has - ❞

❝ Mom!❞

❝ What? It's true! Oh, Y/N, you should see him! He looks like a love sick puppy. Emmett and Edward were taking bets on whether or not someone had sewn his mouth into a permanent smile. ❞

❝ Oh my God, please stop. ❞

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