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━━ IMAGINE . . .

On Bella Swan's first day at Forks High School, you were there to welcome her and show her around, even inviting her to come sit at your table at lunch with your friends.

Bella was a shy, awkward, quiet girl, but she seemed really nice and thoughtful, and she had a dry sense of humour that made you laugh. You became fast friends, and hung out after school a lot.

Until, she started growing distant from everyone. You didn't know why until you saw her climbing out of Edward Cullen's car one morning outside school.

From then on, she was practically a ghost to you. She didn't sit with you, or speak to you. She ignored your texts offering to come hang out or go see a movie. Bella had a boyfriend - a really stuck up, albeit good-looking, boyfriend - and she didn't see anyone beyond him.

A year later, though, Edward and his entire family moved away, leaving a heartbroken Bella behind.

After a few weeks of sitting at the Cullens empty table in the cafeteria, looking lonely and pathetic, she came over and sat at your table with the friends she all but abandoned only a short while ago.

She asked everyone to go to a movie with her that weekend, and when she turned to you, your temper flared and you gave her a piece of your mind.

Are you fucking kidding me? ❞

❝ Y/N, don't- ❞

❝ No, Mike. Who the hell does she think she is? For months she's ignored us like we didn't exist, all because she got a boyfriend. And now he dumped her ass and disappeared, she thinks she can slide right back in with us like she never left? No, fuck that. And fuck you, Bella. Maybe next time consider not treating the only few friends you have like shit. ❞

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