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━━ IMAGINE . . .

It's a universally acknowledged fact that Charlie Swan has little luck when it comes to women - especially the ones he falls in love with.

After his wife left him, bringing his infant daughter along with her, he'd fallen into a dark mood that he couldn't shake. Over the years, it lessened, but to be entirely honest, he wasn't sure if he'd ever really moved on from Renee.

Then, he meets you; a new recruit at the station, fresh-eyed and optimistic. Usually, he doesn't have much to do with the newbies, let's one of the others take charge and show them the ropes. But you're persistent, more so than anyone he'd ever met before, and for some bizarre reason, you've become determined to be his friend (Maybe it was because you'd seen him at the diner on more than one occasion sitting at a table by himself, or maybe it was because the other police officers had opened their big traps and been talking about him to you).

Within the span of a few months, you'd managed to squeeze your way into the chief's life (and his heart, which left him feeling so flustered around you and he wasn't entirely sure how to feel about that). Which is why, it's such a punch in the gut when you approach him at the diner one day to introduce your new boyfriend.

He tries to play off his distrust of the man as being protective of his friend, but he knows you see right through him, like always.

Come on, Charlie. Give him a chance. He's a good guy. ❞

He is? I dunno, looks kinda shady to me. I mean, who gets tattoos on their face?

❝ Aw, is the Chief jealous? ❞

❝ What?! No! ❞

❝ Okay, sure ... ❞

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