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━━ IMAGINE . . .

After observing how much of an effect you have on him, Maria feels threatened and orders Jasper to kill you. Usually, he'd carry out her wishes promptly, but this time, he hesitates. He never hesitates. But it's you. How can he bring himself to hurt you?

However, Maria whispers into his ear like a snake, and he knows he can't deny her either.

Confliction. It's an emotion he's not entirely unfamiliar with, but when it came to following Maria's orders, he completed them without question.

The months after you'd been turned, he didn't expect to grow so close to you and enjoy your company but he did - he does, and he doesn't know if he can do what Maria wants this time.

You're smarter than the others. You know when Jasper comes to join you by the window that it isn't to enjoy the view - he's there to kill you.

You don't fight or beg for your life, you just smile at him and say, 'Whatever decision you make, whatever you do, I trust you.'

Jasper stares into your eyes, frozen. In his mind, a war is playing out between Maria's voice and your's. His heart already knows what to do, but there is no place for listening to your heart in a war. Or is there?

VOLTERRA  ▸  TWILIGHT GIF SERIES [3]Where stories live. Discover now