3. Finally Some Answers

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The table was awkwardly silent.

San sat at one end of the small square dining table, with Mingi sitting directly across from him, staring him down with icy white eyes.

Yunho busteld around the cramped kitchen, finding bandages and spirits to clean San's grazes.

The yellow light that spilled in from the kitchen window was the only warm thing in this atmosphere.

Especially after San's next words.

"...who's w.y?"

The sound of a bottle smashing on the ground echoed, and San turned immediately to see Yunho standing still, empty hand hovering mid air, his brown hair casting dark shadows over his eyes.

He brought his shaking hand over his mouth and looked to the ground where the smashed bottle of spirits laid.

"I-Im sorry..." Yunho whispered, before grabbing a dustpan from a hook on the wall and scooping up the glass.

"Why do you want to know?" Mingi's deep voice brought San's attention back to the table, and he suddenly felt terrified of his own voice.


"Forget that. How do you even know those initials? Who are you to know about him?" The warning in Mingi's voice made San overthink his words.

"Um....I, Yunho at the gates....I-"

"Don't drag Yunho into this, tell me who the hell you are and why you know-"

"Mingi!" Yunho raised his voice suddenly, coming to the table with a new bottle of spirits and bandages, sitting next San. "Let him speak Mingi, you're scaring him..."

Yunho took San's hands apologetically and started to clean the grazes.

"Start from the beginning Sannie, your memory...or dream thing." Yunho spoke softly, encouraging San to speak.

He swallowed, setting his eyes on the table before opening his mouth daringly.

"I was a baby, newborn, born on the night of the late King's assassination. My caretaker brought me to the gates that morning for a funeral. It's the only thing I remember, the funeral pier, two Legion soldiers, or...I think I saw a raven maybe.

"I don't know why I remember it but...its so painful. I have nightmares, every single night about it since the day I was born. Remembering it hurts, physically not just emotionally. It's like my body aches, my bones throb, and I feel like i can't breath whenever I remember it.

"My caretaker told me I cried at the funeral, silently, staring at something through the flames." San's body proceeded to throb just as he described as he relived the memory as he told it. Yunho tried to bandage his hands but San had subconsciously grabbed Yunho's hands in an iron grip.

San swallowed before staring Mingi in the eyes as he spoke again.

"All. My. Life. I've been trying to get answers. No one, not my teachers, not my family or friends, not a single person in this God forsaken kingdom will tell me anything. I have no idea who died that night, no idea who the funeral was for, no idea why the king was killed or who killed him. And every fucking night i wake up screaming in pain for someone I don't even know. The past people keep hiding from me is tearing me apart, hurting me and traumatising me and no one will tell me anything!!"

San almost shouted at the end, nearly breaking Yunho's fingers with his grip.

His lowered his head, tears threatening to break but he refused to let Yunho go to wipe them away.

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