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It was a fear ridden night, when at the far side of the city, in a house tucked away near the city walls within the trees, a blood curdling scream filled the empty streets.

It had been nearly an hour ago that the streets were crowded with people rushing off to the palace. Everyone who could walk we're hurrying down the cobblestone in hushed whispers.

If the neighbours hadn't of rushed off to the palace upon hearing the rumours, anyone would have believed the woman was dying.

However, it was quite the opposite.

Following another howl of pain, a smaller cry filled the house, as a child was born into the world.

Heavy breaths filled the house, dull candlelight revealing the bloody mess of a newborn baby.

The nursemaid cut the umbilical cord, wiping off the blood with a damp towel, before gently placing the baby in the mother's waiting arms, tears brimming her eyes as she stared down at her son.

His cries filled the room, shrill screams leaving the tiny boys mouth, as if remembering the pain of a past life...

But as he opened his eyes, chocolate brown orbs meeting the tired tear stained eyes of his mother's, its as if all was forgotten.

"He's beautiful..." the mother sniffed, a wide smile playing on her lips as happiness erased the pain of birth.

"He is very beautiful ma'am. I feel he will be a very happy boy." The nurse cheered softly, watching the small boy grab the air with tiny hands.

"If those rumours are true, your son will be brought up in a much better world too." The nursemaid spoke fondly, looking out the window to the night sky.

"Is the King really dead? Who will take his place?" The tired mother spoke, never taking her eyes off the boy in her arms. She smiled sweetly upon seeing her son look up at her with wonder.

"I don't know. But I'd like to believe you are both very lucky with these circumstances. Your son will be safe and happy in this new world." The nursemaid turned and gave the new mother a gentle, reassuring smile.

She hummed, rocking her baby softly in her arms.

"What will you name him?" The nurse asked as she grabbed the birth certificate parchment and a quill.

The mother looked out the window by her bed, eyeing White Mountain in the distance, the full moon partially hidden behind its peak.


"San? What does that mean?" The nurse furrowed her brows at the foreign name, hesitating before writing it down.

"It means mountain..." the boy's mother looked at him lovingly, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. "I want him to be an unmovable force in the world, but also a comforting hill for others to lean on..."

"Mmm, San it is..." she scratched the name onto the parchment with her back to the window, using the candlelight by the wall to finish the birth certificate.

The sound of a door openening echoed throughout the household, as a man stepped inside, rubbing his hands together from the cold.

"Katia?" He called, stepping through the halls.

"In here." Her voice was quiet, and was followed by an "aah" from the small child.

He stepped into the room and smiled upon the sight of the baby.

"Kieran! Any news? What happened at the castle?" Katia asked the caretaker, rocking San side to side gently.

"Ah. All is true. The King was killed by one of those Legion Soldiers. Apparently there will be a funeral for someone who died tomorrow morning, though there is no news concerning a coronation for the new King." Kieran recited the news he'd gathered from the townsfolk by the palace.

"Who is the new King?" Kieran turned to the nursemaid with a bright smile.

"Jimin, the old King's translator. If you don't know him, he's a fine man, very gentle nature about him." The women nodded and hummed in agreement.

"Will you go to the funeral tomorrow?" Katia asked.

"I will. I'm not sure who died, but for the new King to organise a funeral so soon, and in the palace grounds, whoever they were must have been important."

"Will you be able to take San with you?" Kieran looked dumbfounded between Katia and her son.

"Why? Don't you want to be with him?"

"She needs rest, Kieran. She's been awake for two days in labour, and it's already the early hours of morning. It would be a great help if you could look after him tomorrow morning?" The nursemaid asked hopefully, looking worriedly at Katia and her pale, tired complexion.

"I can take him with me. He'll be safe."




The caretaker made his way to the palace the next morning. He held the baby boy in his arms carefully as he walked with the crowds.

For the most part, the kid was asleep. But for some reason he stirred awake and gave a shrill cry when two men exited the palace hall to the courtyard where the funeral pier was.

They were two Legion soldiers, one with fiery red hair, the other raven . The raven looked distraught, crying upon looking at the body laying on the logs.

Kieran frowned upon the sight, looking down at San in his arms, watching as he helplessly grabbed the air in the direction of the soldiers.

He noticed tears escaping the baby's eyes as he stilled, his small head still turned in the direction of the funeral pier, though no sound emitted from the child, no shrill screams or tantrum cries, just silent whimpers.

"What's wrong Sannie..." he hummed gently, rocking the small thing in his arms comfortingly.

Though no comfort was received, for the reflection of the fire burning in San's eyes destroyed whatever happiness he had found upon seeing the ravenette in the distance.

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