8. Painless...

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In the soft spots of his neck and cheek, despite the unhealed gashes that still threatened to bleed, he felt painless.

San was waking up to the golden morning sunlight. His whole body burned and ached. His bones felt heavy and broken, his skin stung everywhere.

Everywhere, except where Jongho's hands had graced him.

It was as if his touch was painted onto him. A small spot on his arm where Jongho had held it to guide him to the palace. His cheek, neck, and part of his shoulder, all felt so....nice.

Where the rest of his body hurt with familiar pain, those few spots felt of relief. No amount of Yunho's ointment could bring his body to this level of euphoria.

It had San craving the soldier's touch. Wanting more of it, everywhere. Everywhere else that hadn't been touched. He wanted this painlessness.

San dared not to open his eyes to the sun, already feeling the pain of opening his eyes without doing so. He could hear the familiar voices of Yunho and Mingi talking in some distance. Judging by the firm pillows underneath him and worn fabric he could feel, San guessed he was lying on their couch, somewhat painfully aware of how he got here.

He wished Jongho had been the one to carry him to the couch. He wondered if more of him would feel so pain free...

"Sannie?" Yunho's voice echoed in San's ears from behind him.

"Mmmngf....want Jong.....ho..." San's voice croaked hoarsely. Tiredly. He really sounded like death.

"Jongho?" He could vaguely hear Yunho questioning Mingi. San didn't have the energy to explain why he needed Jongho, but if he were to actually be able to leave this couch and even so much as stand...he'd need to be more painless.

San could feel himself slipping in and out of sleep the rest of the morning, restless and uneasy....


"What do you mean San wants me?" Jongho asked Yunho tiredly, having been woken by Mingi fetching him, and now standing in the door to their house.

"I rubbed plenty of ointment into his body this morning, but it doesn't look like it's working anymore. He's barely concious, and he said he wants you..." Yunho seemed equally as confused, eyebrows furrowed.

Jongho rubbed his eye before stepping in. He spotted San right where he left him, lying on the couch with his back to the room, the blankets barely covering his small frame. The shirt he had, Jongho's shirt, swamped him, far too big for the small boy.

"San?" He called softly, approaching him and crouching by the couch, staring at San's back.

He heard a soft moan, a pained one, only just acknowledging his voice.

"San, I'm here." Jongho said softly. He wasn't sure what made him do it, but he reached forward and gently carded his fingers through the mess of blonde hair.

A sound of what could only be described as soft, satisfied, almost needy whimpers escaped the boy.

San startled Jongho when he almost violently turned around to face Jongho, eyes still closed and hands clutching Jongho's against his cheek, trapping it between the soft flesh and the seat of the couch.

Everyone in the room was dumbfounded.

And Jongho, just as he would be if a cat laid upon him and slept, was now eternally trapped to San until the younger would willingly release his hand.

San seemed to nuzzle into it, but Jongho's concern was more on the wound that graced the shoulder now crushed beneath San's body weight.

"I don't know what's happening..." Yunho murmured.

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