15. Immortal Desire

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It was the crash that woke him up.

He would have flinched if his stiff body allowed it. However he could only open his eyes and lift his head just enough to turn it in the direction of the entrance.

He could make out large stones scattered across the floor underneath a pool of light coming from the top of the stairs.

Was this it? Was someone finally going to find him?

There was a stretch of silence as the dust settled. He almost gave up hope until he spotted his little firefly friend flying towards him from the stairs. It hovered in the walkway, waiting as a new pair of footsteps sounded from the stairs.

He couldn't make out the figure that descended. Only that they weren't alone as others followed in a scuffling of steps kicking down stones.

The figure seemed to see the firefly before it saw him.

The little bug buzzed over to his cell, twisting around the rusted iron bars until the first figure stood right there.

So close, he could make out details of the boots the man wore. He could see the lean body covered in black. When he managed to tilt his head up the slightest he could see a familiar pair of white eyes staring at him, black hair falling either side of his face.

The eyes scrutinised him. Eyebrows furrowed trying to figure out what he was looking at.

At the sight of the taller red haired male behind the Legion Soldier, he whimpered...



Seonghwa had forgotten about the firefly buzzing around the iron bars.

He could barely make out the features of the boys face amongst the bloodied hunched heap that he was.

It was the freckle under his eye. The mole on his lip barely visible through the dried blood but dark enough to stay seen.

It was the tiniest peak of blonde hair that he glimpsed through the black and brown muddied mess.

It was the whimper.

"...Wooyoung?" His voice seized up after the name. A name he hadn't said in 20 years. He felt his own eyes fill with tears at seeing Wooyoung. A bloodied, beaten, nearly lifeless Wooyoung.

Just as Seonghwa seized the iron bars ready to rip them off the hinges, Mingi grabbed his shoulder harshly.


"Let me go!" Just as he was about to rip himself from Mingi's grip-

"His eyes! Look at his eyes..."

And Seonghwa did.

....they were white.

They glowed at him. The same way Mingi's eyes glowed. The same whiteness that shone in Jongho's eyes.

Seonghwa stared at him. Watched as tears fell past Wooyoung's white eyes and onto the wet floor beneath him.

"That uniform...is that...?" Jongho drew their attention to the heap lying a few meters away from Wooyoung.

It was indeed a Legion uniform. The badge on the sleeve made it obvious. But what was worse was the tiny string of beads lying by the hollowed skull.

"Ravn." Their missing brother. The first to go. Centuries ago, the black haired soldier had gone missing, assumed dead. And yet there his skeleton was. The beads that had once been in his hair those hundreds of years ago now lying on the ground stained and discoloured.

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