Part 1

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"Hello, my names Mangle Vixen Cation/ Afton/ Emily/ Millier. Yah its a mouth full, but I'm in about three families. But your probably are here for my back story, so let me tell you. My real family is the Millier's, Johnathan and Callie are our parents, Ink, Color, Moon, Megan, and Luna. They are a older siblings, me and Luna are twins yet we look nothing alike anymore. Ink, Color, and Moon are the oldest, Megan's the middle child, and me and Luna are the youngest. Colbie was my Childhood friend and ex-boyfriend, he was and still is abusive."

"But let me start at the beginning, my life back then was a bit crazy. My childhood was normal until I turned four, my birth father is a scientist. He did test on kids and teens, including his own children. I was the most tested on with dangerous tests. My older brothers Ink and Color, they helped him with tests but only at an age you could work for him. Colbie is his right hand man, Ink and Color don't work for him anymore. But it started for me when  he ripped my wing off, and that's the story I'm gonna share today."

Vixen and Luna were playing with their doll's in the living room on the floor. They were almost five, they looked exactly alike except for their eyes. (Vixen's eyes had a teal hart in her right eye, Luna's in her left, Vixen's left eye had a hot pink hart, Luna's in her right. Their hair was white faded into pink, with a front section of their hair was black.) Johnathan came in with Colbie, "Subjects come here!" Johnathan yelled to all the kids. They all rushed in trying not to waist his time. "Line up." He said, he sounded angry, but they all lined up. Colbie was still beside Johnathan, he looked guilty but no one knew why till later. Johnathan narrowed his eyes at the twins, "Colbie tells me that one of you have been sneaking into my office, who did it?" Everyone responded with 'Not me, sir'. Johnathan sighed angrily. "It was one of the twins, the rest of you can be dismissed." The all walked into the other room except for the twins and Colbie. Vixen was extremely nervosa and shaking, hiding behind Luna. "Dose one of you wanna confess?" Johnathan sounded cold and heartless. Vixen and Luna stayed quiet and Vixen raised her hand a little. Johnathan had a cold smile, "Thank you dear, now time for your punishment." Luna and Colbie had a look of shock, Vixen was terrified.

"Okay that's a bit to far! And it wasn't part of this deal!" Colbie yelled at Johnathan, but he didn't listen. Luna was in a protective stains, protecting Vixen. "Now Luna, you don't wanna do that." Johnathan said picking up Luna and Colbie by their souls. "F-father I'm sorry I-I-I wont do it again..." Vixen's voice was really shaky, she was crying from fear. "I know you wont, but we must take percussion." Johnathan then picks up Vixen by her left wing, Vixen starts to scream from the pain. Eventually Vixen's wing starts to tear off, and she falls to the floor her left wing in Johnathan's hand covered in blood and ink. She was crying a lot, Megan wanting to go in there and help Vixen. But she was stopped by Moon, so Megan wouldn't get hurt ether. "What the hell!?" Luna yelled at Johnathan, he has a bone chilling smile on his face. "I did what had to be done." He replied, as he held Vixen's wing as he continues. "She had to be punished, or she would have gotten into a lot bigger trouble." Vixen curled up on the floor in pain. "This is to far!" Colbie yelled, "This is not part of are deal!" Johnathan looked over at Colbie with the bone chilling smile, Colbie felt a chill run down his spine. "Do you two wanna be next?" Luna and Colbie shake their heads. "Okay then, that's what I though." He walked out dropping Luna and Colbie. Luna and Colbie rush to Vixen, and try to stop the bleeding. Megan finally gets in and freezes. "M-Moon!" Megan called as Moon walked in gasping. "Vixen!" Moon runs over to the three of them. "Color! Ink! Get the med kit!" Color comes in with an old used med kit, Ink came in after him. 

After an hour, Vixen fell asleep with Colbie on a chair. Luna was watching them, incase Johnathan came back. Moon and the others were talking ,and trying to figure out why he ripped Vixen's wing off. "He took Vixen wing with him..." Ink said, the rest froze a bit. "You don't think, he would do that to her at this age right?" Megan said nervously, They didn't answer, "Most likely, but I'm not entirely sure." Ink replied with a blank face. "We need to fine your vials Ink." Moon said sighing, Ink nodded.

"And the rest is what ever, well until next time. Do you wanna hear another story?"

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