Part 4

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In the morning Vixen and Luna were woken up by a loud thud downstairs. They gut up and rushed out of bed and get read heading downstairs. Ink was on the ground whipping black blood from his mouth, Johnathan was standing in front of him look down at him. He didn't notice the twins and they slipped by wanting to help their oldest brother but couldn't... They headed to school not eating or saying goodbye before hand.

During class Vixen was called to the principals office. She got up and left, some of the kids made fun of her as she walked by. The teachers didn't care, they would never care... Even if it was a royal...

Once she got to the office she sat down next to her siblings. It wasn't the first time this had happened, but this time it was different. Johnathan, Nick. And Colbie were here this time. "So, Mr. Millier, you are going to take your kids out of school for a few weeks?" Everyone was confused on what the principal was talking about. But he continued, "If you do so you will have to explain why." Johnathan knew this was coming and how to use his power against anyone. "You should never question your king on why he's doing such a small thing with his children. We're just going on vacation to get away from our royal life." He was good at lying... He always was... The principal didn't think twice and let us go.

On the way home everyone was quiet. We all knew what Johnathan meant on "Vacation". It meant no help till he's done with his twisted experiments. No hope... No light... Just chaos... Though, the rest of the day went okay. We all just hung out in our rooms after doing chores.

"Hay Vixi..." Luna asked, she was laying on the bed on her back. Vixen looked up at her from the floor, she was playing with her bunny plush. "Hm? What's up Lun?" Luna sighs. "When do you think mamma's gonna be home...?"
"I'm not sure sis... Hopefully soon!"
"Me too..."
Vixen looks at her plush, Glitch-Trap. Everyone said he was imaginary, or only a toy. But he could talk, walk, and do whatever anyone else could. But he was also the only think that would make Vixen "Shut up", how Johnathan put it.

The next day Vixen woke up in a blank white room. The only think that was there was herself and Glitch-Trap. She started to panic but Glitch calmed her down before she could black out. "It's okay Vixen. I'm here with you, your not alone." Hearing that a few times calmed her down. She hugged him tight not wanting to let go. "W-where are we Glitchy?" Vixen stammered, she found a corner and stayed there. "I'm not sure... But we'll figure it out." Glitch-Trap always tried to stay positive in situations like this for Vixen's sake.


It's been a few days, Vixen was still in the room. No food, water, or anyone to talk except her plush rabbit. There was an unlocking noise and part of the wall came apart to open a door. A few men came in and lab coats; non of them Vixen knew or has seen before. Vixen curled up in the corner more, wrapping her wing and tail around herself and Glitch. She hissed and growled at them as they came closer. Two of them were carrying metal suitcases. They set them down on a table they brought in and opened them. Vixen held Glitch-Trap tighter now more scared than ever. One of the lab coated men took out a needle and walked over to Vixen. She tried to get away but couldn't she was stuck. The man took one of her arms and stuck it in her bones. She screamed in pain knowing none would come and save her...

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