Part 9

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Hello! This is a slight warning of sexual harassment but please enjoy, and again, idfk on the logic in the chapter like the last one- But here you go- •v•

A week or two after the twins birthday Vixen started not to eat. Luna tried to make her eat at least something, but nothing would work. Everyone expected Johnathan, started to feel uneasy about the fact Vixen had stopped eating. Vixen had lost her 'spunk' or in other words, her happiness. The only time she would be able to talk to Glitch-Trap alone now was when everyone was asleep, or when she was in the bathroom.

She had to keep a secret... But she didn't know how long she could keep it... She didn't know much about it but she knew at least something...

Vixen was in the bathroom looking in the mirror, her ears down. Glitch-Trap was on the counter a little nervous. "Vivi...?" She looked at Glitch-Trap tilting her head a little at his nickname for her. "What even happened...? And how did this happen...?" Glitch-Trap asked genuinely nervously for the answer. Vixen looks at the mirror then the floor. She sighs and hugs herself. "W-well..." She continued anxiously. "I... I don't think it was his fault..."

"Please... Just listen..."
"I don't think it was Colbie... But something controlling him..."
"Like that experiment Johnathan was working on?"

Vixen nods sighing. She knew she was basically screwed if she told anyone. But, till it became to hard to hide she wouldn't tell anyone...

*A month or so later*

They were aloud back in school for a time being. But it made it harder for Vixen to hide her secret.

One day during lunch. Vixen was sitting against the wall after being pushed into it. She wasn't crying, nor pouting. She just stared at the floor. The kid that pushed her grabbed her but the hair and made her look at them. "The hell is wrong with your eyes freak?" Her eye lights weren't two multi colored hearts, but dull white circles. She hadn't responded and they slapped her right after letting her hair go. She didn't do anything still. Her older siblings weren't anywhere to be seen, nor her twin. She really didn't care anymore. But she 'acted' as if she did. "Will you answer me all ready freak?!" They kicked Vixen's leg and she looked up at the kid. Still no emotion in her eyes or face. "Your boring, let's go guys." The kid said as they and their friends left, leaving Vixen against the wall.

She sat there for was seemed like a few minutes but was actually a few hours. She finally got up and ran to the bathroom. She locked herself in a stall and sat on the toilet lid, so no one could see her feet or realize she was there. She held her stomach and hummed quietly to herself trying not to cry. She was humming her mother's song.

'I promise... I won't let them hurt you, like they do to me... Lukas or Lucy...'

After they got home Vixen went straight to her room and curled up on her bed. She cuddled Glitch-Trap close to her, as she hugged her stomach a bit. She fell asleep till dinner as Luna woke her up. "Vixi dinners done. Come eat please..." Luna asked as sweet as she could. But Vixen shook her head burring her head into the pillow and Glitch-Trap. Luna huffed and pulled her out of bed, dragging her downstairs. "Your eating." She said as she sat Vixen down at the table. She set a plate down in front of her with a PB and J on it. It wasn't what everyone else was having, but it was small and enough for Vixen for now. She ate it slowly, and once she was done she went back to her room and fell back to sleep.

She woke up suddenly and was a bit panicked. But calmed down quickly. 'What the fuck was that...?' She looked around and sighed. 'It's okay, calm down... Calm down for the little kiddo you have now..' She laid back down and hummed herself to sleep...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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